Toronto Islands 1st pike!

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Jul 8, 2010
This weekend I stopped by the Toronto Islands to try catching bass or anything else.
It was a very hot weekend about 30C. I started at Hanlans point and then headed to some boat docks.
I recently got a rapala husky jerk and xrap and a set of mepps black fury. So I really wanted to try them out. I've always been using either live bait or Berkly gulp minnows and caught plenty of bass. This was my first time using these different lures and had great success from the mepps!

At first I tried the husky jerk, xrap, spoons, berkly gulp minnows and nothing seemed to get any bites at all. Really weird, so I put on the mepps #3 black fury.
3rd cast the line ripped out, I wasn't expecting such a huge bass... little did i know it shot out of the water and it was a pike! had a good fight and had a hard time lifting it out to shore without a net, I was really worried about it slashing me with its mouth open. I have not handled a pike before so retrieving the hook with short pilers i ended up cutting my fingers on its razor teeth. At least I found out I could hold it just below the lip, anywhere else was too dangerous to touch on its head. I need some info on how to handle it and what equipment i need, help would be appreciated!
my first biggish pike 32" yay!

Then I headed to some boat docks and landed this one in 5mins with the mepps again. around 25". This time i used a glove to hold it better but I didn't have a net so it was very difficult getting it out of the water.

Another few casts with the husky, and xraps just to change things up, nothing again.
So back to the black fury #3. One big pike came and grabbed it. It felt even larger than the 32" one I had on. It was on about 15sec and the line broke... I was using just powerpro 10lb no leaders.
So I lost the trusty lure and had a back up one but in pink color.
I threw it in anyways and landed this one. around 27"

A really great day of fishing at Hanlans point and the boat docks. All the fish were released okay.
so far only the mepps have caught anything. I have yet to catch something on the xrap and husky jerk. I didn't end up even getting small bass of any kind or any other fish which is really weird. I did see a massive bowfin swim by at one point. it was really black and looked scary, but it did not take the mepps.
Nice pike!
In the last pic, if you have a glove...grab the fish by the tail and support the head just behind the gill plates...just like you have it, just back to front! :wink:
Nice pike! I have been trying to catch pike in Lake Ontario for a long time. I always manage to pull out bass. I will post pictures when I get them from my camera. It was getting dark and I kept hearing them jump so I stuck on a white jitterbug and hooked one. It was great. I think I might have to try one of those black fury mepps lures.

Here is where I caught that fish.
disspatcher said:
Nice pike!
In the last pic, if you have a glove...grab the fish by the tail and support the head just behind the gill plates...just like you have it, just back to front! :D
:D i think thats from excitement,
good catch though.
Nice pike dude! lol ive fished a mepps at the islands before but nothing
ive yet to land my first pike, im a pike virgin :,( LOL