Toronto Islands, first piking experience

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openfire said:
frozenfire, the pics are gone! :mrgreen:

Any way to get them back?

hey openfire, i'm sure i have them on my laptop.
should i upload them to my gallery and ask frozenfire to edit this post with updated links for the pictures?

and frozenfire, i don't think you posted our second trip to the islands?
sorry about that openfire...
I'll get them back up shortly. thanks chibi :mrgreen:

yeah, the second trip wasn't posted. It's been a year though!
Awesome, thanks frozenfire!

It's a shame to see really nice fishing reports getting ruined by the disappearing pic problem.
chibi said:
openfire said:
frozenfire, the pics are gone! :mrgreen:

Any way to get them back?

hey openfire, i'm sure i have them on my laptop.
should i upload them to my gallery and ask frozenfire to edit this post with updated links for the pictures?

and frozenfire, i don't think you posted our second trip to the islands?

Just so you know chibi, any pics that you upload for reports should go into the GTA reports gallery so they're protected. Your personal gallery is viewable by all members FYI.
openfire said:
chibi said:
openfire said:
frozenfire, the pics are gone! :shock:

Any way to get them back?

hey openfire, i'm sure i have them on my laptop.
should i upload them to my gallery and ask frozenfire to edit this post with updated links for the pictures?

and frozenfire, i don't think you posted our second trip to the islands?

Just so you know chibi, any pics that you upload for reports should go into the GTA reports gallery so they're protected. Your personal gallery is viewable by all members FYI.

thanks for letting me know openfire! i'll move my first report pics soon.

and frozenfire, you need to select the pictures that need to be uploaded for this report. i'm not sure which ones you've used.