Tournament east

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Any idea on what the organizers did with the money? Paid out to the winners in full?
man ive got 1hr to fish today and this trib is behind my house i cant even go there cuz the fish are spooked im so pissed
Thousands of steelhead are caught and released out east every year on opener. I find it hard to believe that this one day tourney is somehow damaging the fishery.
you're right Rainbow, BUT, you forgot one little thing, right now the steelhead are fresh, they are very careful, they have roe, I'm almost positive that some of the fish caught will die before spawning, due to being, improperly released, now in the spring the trout are spawned out, they aren't very careful, its not rare to spot a dying trout, its not rare to find them swimming near you, when you are in your waders, they are much less careful, they've already seen everything, they don't get spooked easily, due to the fact they've been in the river for a while and got used to it, in the fall, already careful steelhead, turn into even more careful steelhead, the same fish get caught over and over again and they start getting stressed out, ounce they get stressed out, they start losing fat, the more fat they loose, the less chance they have of surviving and getting to spawning grounds, kind of like salmon ounce entering the river, they loose fat, or as some people call it "slime" they start getting darker and more and more tired, you can see this, when you catch a steelhead, take your hand and just rub it across the fish, most likely this time of year it will be very slimy and oily, now do the same in the spring, it will most likely be almost dry, not oily at all, if they loose too much before they spawn they won't make it, fighting stresses out fish and makes them loose fat, coming up strong currents also does, people touching the fish or placing it on shore also does, so yes this "tournament" will affect, them much more in the fall then in the spring.
Sounds like a Lot of PERSONAL GREED talk, if your ask me.
  • Nothing to do with "Conservation"
  • Nothing to do with "Sportmanship"
  • Nothing to do with "Education"
Just plain old: "The river is all mine, everyone else is GOONS & LOOGANS .... all the fish are MINE!

Good luck with that philosophy!
Thankfully, it will never happen.

See you out on the TRIBS.
They are there for ALL to ENJOY.

JustOneMoreTime said:
Sounds like a Lot of PERSONAL GREED talk, if your ask me.
  • Nothing to do with "Conservation"

  • I just think its alot of unnesacary over pressure
    They could have limited the entry limit.
    It's not at all about this is my trib or everyone is a loogan.
    And just because its catch and release doesn't mean guys are keeping em. Not that that's a problem within there limit.
IR4J said:
Not much different then how that creek normally gets treat CT...
i agree but some of the spots i fish that never get anyone have been loaded plus theres garbage strewn everywhere its terrible i cant wait till opener to fish wherever and out of the crowds
Dozer said:
Any idea on what the organizers did with the money? Paid out to the winners in full?****s-funny-money-Favimcom-372408_large_zps37c79f85.gif
IR4J said:
Not much different then how that creek normally gets treat CT...
that trib gets pressured, but not 100 people littering, hooking fish, some possible flossing, not releasing the fish properly and pressuring the fish, like thats un-real at such a small trib, 40 cars, like come on, I'm sure they could of went an hour east to a huge river that runs through bellevile, just saying.
FisherGirl said:****s-funny-money-Favimcom-372408_large_zps37c79f85.gif
well if that's the case...i think i will have to pay Tightlines a visit asap...
just got some info about the tourney and thought i would share.

as stated already, it was a catch and release tourney.
there were 38 participants entered into that specific tourney.
each participant(mandatory) donated at least 1 piece of non perishable food for the food bank.
they collected over 500lb of garbage(im sure an estimate but even if it was half of that it would be a significant amount).
this supported local angling out east and a local, family owned tackle shop(which i particularly like, very nice, informed, well stoked and love the pooch)

all that being said, duffs has a good run of steelhead and is a very popular trib. even without the tourney there would have been that many people there on a weekend.
Thanks for reporting some positive info:

  • Food Bank
  • Garbage
  • Supporting Local Business
  • Catch & Release

I wonder if the "RIVER IS ALL MINE CROWD" even did (1) of these? (let alone all four)
fishernick said:
just got some info about the tourney and thought i would share.

as stated already, it was a catch and release tourney.
there were 38 participants entered into that specific tourney.
each participant(mandatory) donated at least 1 piece of non perishable food for the food bank.
they collected over 500lb of garbage(im sure an estimate but even if it was half of that it would be a significant amount).
this supported local angling out east and a local, family owned tackle shop(which i particularly like, very nice, informed, well stoked and love the pooch)

all that being said, duffs has a good run of steelhead and is a very popular trib. even without the tourney there would have been that many people there on a weekend.
500 pounds of garbage collected......sounds like they made it a better place to fish,
JustOneMoreTime said:
Thanks for reporting some positive info:

  • Food Bank
  • Garbage
  • Supporting Local Business
  • Catch & Release
I wonder if the "RIVER IS ALL MINE CROWD" even did (1) of these? (let alone all four)
Once again d!ck knob it was never about the river is all mine like I've stated 3 times ya Goof!