Trout Season Around The Corner - Any Spot Suggestions

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You'll have good luck in either trib, but be prepared to deal with insane amounts of loogantry on the b-ville, it is so widely publicized thanks to the nps folks. that thousands of people fish it from top to bottom. even saw a pic of a guy walking out with an atlantic salmon on a stringer from there.

but again please no naming tribs, especially when the run is good, brings it to public attention too quickly
Welcome to the forum - as others have mentioned naming creeks is against the rules. The posts have been edited for that reason.
FrequentFlyer said:
You'll have good luck in either trib, but be prepared to deal with insane amounts of loogantry on the b-ville, it is so widely publicized thanks to the nps folks. that thousands of people fish it from top to bottom. even saw a pic of a guy walking out with an atlantic salmon on a stringer from there.

but again please no naming tribs, especially when the run is good, brings it to public attention too quickly of my local tribs is already a gong show can't wait to see what it will be like in a week or two... .NOT!!!! Crazy how word of mouth travels so quickly... keep your spots to yourself unless u want to fish beside 25-30 guys
hey guys first post here but was just wondering if anyone had some sujestions. i was thinking of puting in a 14 ft boat in at bronte an trying to trool the mouth of the river and near the peir in about 5-25ft of water. Then if that doesnt work just try some still fishing with roe bags abit farther out then where can cast from ? any suigestions or anyone ever try this ? thanks guys !
tightlines49 said:
hey guys first post here but was just wondering if anyone had some sujestions. i was thinking of puting in a 14 ft boat in at bronte an trying to trool the mouth of the river and near the peir in about 5-25ft of water. Then if that doesnt work just try some still fishing with roe bags abit farther out then where can cast from ? any suigestions or anyone ever try this ? thanks guys !
Sorry I thought this was a joke. Seeing its a serious question I apologize for my response.
tightlines49 said:
hey guys first post here but was just wondering if anyone had some sujestions. i was thinking of puting in a 14 ft boat in at bronte an trying to trool the mouth of the river and near the peir in about 5-25ft of water. Then if that doesnt work just try some still fishing with roe bags abit farther out then where can cast from ? any suigestions or anyone ever try this ? thanks guys !

should work fine, look for the mud line and fish the edges, works for any creek/river mouth
tightlines49 said:
hey guys first post here but was just wondering if anyone had some sujestions. i was thinking of puting in a 14 ft boat in at bronte an trying to trool the mouth of the river and near the peir in about 5-25ft of water. Then if that doesnt work just try some still fishing with roe bags abit farther out then where can cast from ? any suigestions or anyone ever try this ? thanks guys !
Bronte mouth is loaded with catfish and suckers...Trolling Lake O is your best option.
dundasbass said:
Welcome Dickson23s. Nothing beats getting out and trying different spots, especially quiet, out-of-the-way places. Last year I tried a creek near my home, hoping to get into some brook trout. I didn't catch any, but I found a wonderful, quiet spot to take my kids fishing for creek chubs.
whats wrong with creek chubs? ;)
Nothing wrong with creek chubs at all - finding them in that spot was a nice surprise, especially for my kids. It's just that it wasn't what I was fishing for at the time.

P.S. Creek chubs make great bait for largemouth bass!
Durham region is home to my favorite spot of all time for opener...and during open season. I'm sure you know what im talking about ;)
Have a look at the 2015 regs for different zones. It will give you some ideas of the different tributaries to fish.