Trout Season Opeaner Spots -Suggestion

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Pine is a sweet river all year round.
To be honest, Haven’t been there this year and from what I remember living on the river was that by the time the season actually opened the runs were pretty much done unless the melt came right late.
But you could go middle of summer and find pools they were trapped in and have a great few hours.

Go for a trip on the pine you'll enjoy it.

I always wondered how many Fry/eggs were destroyed by fisherman walking the rivers?
Wouldn't it make sense to close the season until the eggs hatch and give em a chance as opposed to opening just after they finish spawning?

Maybe I got that part wrong? Any opinions on that?

Tip: Ask for permission to pass over private land, up there if you ask 99% of the time no problem; if you don’t the dogs come a chassin!
YAWN said:
Pine is a sweet river all year round.
To be honest, Haven’t been there this year and from what I remember living on the river was that by the time the season actually opened the runs were pretty much done unless the melt came right late.
But you could go middle of summer and find pools they were trapped in and have a great few hours.

Go for a trip on the pine you'll enjoy it.

I always wondered how many Fry/eggs were destroyed by fisherman walking the rivers?
Wouldn't it make sense to close the season until the eggs hatch and give em a chance as opposed to opening just after they finish spawning?

Maybe I got that part wrong? Any opinions on that?

Tip: Ask for permission to pass over private land, up there if you ask 99% of the time no problem; if you don’t the dogs come a chassin!

I've only been to the public spot at pine river not sure where I would be able to access it from otherwise. If I start walking west from the public spot is that a good area or am I way off?

If thats the case where fishermen are destroying the fry/eggs then they should add an extra week to the open in certain river areas.

Thx again
That public spot I think your on about is GARBAGE they don't make it that far anymore, they used to.

You on about the one with the fish ladder just below it.
I've heard people say they get one in there but I lived there for years and never waster my time fishing there Parties yeah too many.
They did make the Old Mill if you know that place on the pine. It's just below the ladder a half K.

First bridge below it you can walk the river to the next bridge. After that is where I used to live form the second bridge to the third is all one property. Don't know the people who live there now but ask 1 person you get another 2 miles of bending river.

Same pattern all the way up there. Properties are huge for the same price as a condo down here it T.O.

Also find Mansfield good access points there. The river grows fast but aint really room for fly fishing.
Sonic Spinner #2 in orange you can't go wrong with that there!
Hey I heard the trout are being hammered at a place called hidden valley, its off plains rd across from were the old zellers used to be(now a pile of rubbish). I was talking to a guy today that said it was quite not alot of guy and everyone was spread out giving each other lots of room. Most guys were catching 5+ fish when the gentleman I know was their. I have yet to see it but I will keep you updated when i find out for myself. Has anyone ever tried this spot?
Ride wilmot and bowmanville. I have been scouting these two general spots this spring. Can't wait to hit it up today. The trout are big and colourful. Enjoy!
Wow, disappointing day.
Went to Bronte Creek today and heard so much about fishing being caught but I only saw on trout all day. I found a nice pool that was filled with suckers, caught a few so i didnt get skunked but was just not the same. I dont know if its still early, or if the highwater the creek got has made the run alot faster than last year. I remember that their were tons of fish everywere, and most guys had one on all day. Does anyone know if the run is over, or if possibly its late this year? Any suggestions on spots that are close to Burlingotn would be great. I think im going to go to Brantford, actually Caledonia, and fish the dam. I was driving threw a week ago and guys were haveing some luck their. Thnx in advance guys.
McLean said:
Does anyone know if the run is over, or if possibly its late this year? Chris

Very good question! I would like to know the answer myself. I highly doubt that the run can be over since the temperatures have been lower than average this year, thus pushing the run back later into the season...or so I thought... But now I've been reading many reports about dissapointing openers so now I'm not sure what to think!?
I have a feeling that the run is a little behind this year for a couple reasons.
After arriving today I walked a good 2kms downstream scouting a couple pools i knew/thought I knew would be holding fish. The first thing I noticed was their were no dead trout on the shore at all, I can remember last year how many their were from fisherman gutting them for row, and even fish that were fouly hooked and didnt live.
The second thing I noticed was that their was an exceedingly large amount of water still in the Creek, the ice has left now but the water is running quite fast, making it even tougher for fish to move upstream.
The third thing I noticed was that the pools that should be holing trout were holding 100's of sucker's, I did some research and I think that the suckers have moved in first, and that the trout will follow afterwads, but i think this was supposed to happen in reverse.
I have a feeling that the temperature, and the huge melt that occured this year have deeply impacted the run's timing, I have pics of pike fishing in late march when I was catching Speckled trout at the marina in burlington on thunder sticks. I have never before seen or heard of a trout caught their, salmon yes but no trout. I really hope i didnt miss the run, and that its just a couple weeks behind schedule.
I see that the rain is coming 2mrw, and I was looking forward to fishing the grand river. Hopefully its not pouring because catching something would be nice, I feel that im overdue because I've patiently been waiting.
I am not expert of very familiar with trout fishing but explanation offered by McLean makes good sense to me.
Good news lady's and Gent's. I just got an update from a cop friend of mine that at Highway 5/Dundas St and Burloak Rd in Burlington the Creek That runs inder the bridge their has so many trout their you could walk across them. I guess they had a call their last night a couple guys got into it preety good all loaded up, but he said by the looks of it the fishing was looking great.
Let me know if you need more info
McLean said:
Good news lady's and Gent's. I just got an update from a cop friend of mine that at Highway 5/Dundas St and Burloak Rd in Burlington the Creek That runs inder the bridge their has so many trout their you could walk across them. I guess they had a call their last night a couple guys got into it preety good all loaded up, but he said by the looks of it the fishing was looking great.
Let me know if you need more info
thx for the info,
trout still in # in creek.i thought most of them are in lake already.
McLean have u been to this spot.
I just heard this news last night, I got a call from dispatch and had to go assist on a stolen car. While awaiting a tow truck my buddy informed me that their were at least 15 guys down their fishing and the splashing from trout was almost constant, so i think it was just a late run and the #'s are still their. I have yet to go and see myself as i just got off work this morning at 7am, but i am going to take a look tonight and i'll give you a head ups by 2mrw sometime.
McLean said:
I just heard this news last night, I got a call from dispatch and had to go assist on a stolen car. While awaiting a tow truck my buddy informed me that their were at least 15 guys down their fishing and the splashing from trout was almost constant, so i think it was just a late run and the #'s are still their. I have yet to go and see myself as i just got off work this morning at 7am, but i am going to take a look tonight and i'll give you a head ups by 2mrw sometime.
thx.i will be waiting for ur update
sorry for the late,late update after my last fishing trip at bronte Pier I was told that their is the odd trout in their, but soon the smallmouth will be moving up creek, and when bass season opens their is some of the best smallie fishing you will ever find in that creek! and it goes forever!
Cant wait will definaltey be worth $50 to camp their at the park right on scene for any of you out of towner and let me know in advance I can show you some great spots to fish/eat/and see some good shall we say...... "dancers" lol.
Tel the wife you need extra bait money,lol.