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Saw a flock load of turkeys on Saturday morning, off Wilmot line nearing Weimar line in Waterloo. Picture does not show them all.

Thanks for sharing salmotrutta...That is quite the flock! :wink:
Up here around OS its not uncommon to see hundreds in a field in the winter eating whatever crop was left, doesn't seem to as many this year tho
OS (Owen Sound)? My friend from Hamilton pointed them out when we went for a drive down to Niagra on the lake during a wine testing cruise...We don't have any turkeys in the Thunder Bay Area at least not that kind lol! :lol:
river55 said:
Up here around OS its not uncommon to see hundreds in a field in the winter eating whatever crop was left, doesn't seem to as many this year tho
Yep owen sound, lots of them here. Well you guys got moose and walleye, say that trumps gobblers in my book :razz:
I had a turkey fly directly over my car today, looked over and saw another one right by the road.

Later on I saw about 8 turkeys "invading" a house. They must have been munching on something on the lawn, not sure if the owner puts food out to feed them? Damn smart idea if he does, I would love my turkey to come to me instead of having to go to the grocery store for it :)

Also saw what looked like geese with a bunch of baby geese, but may have just been ducklings mixed with geese because I'm not sure geese already have their young in late February.
I've never hunted Turkey but I here they are pretty smart I got out of the car and tried to sneak up on them and had no luck.
river55 said:
Yep owen sound, lots of them here. Well you guys got moose and walleye, say that trumps gobblers in my book :razz:
I've seen locals feeding the Whitetailed Deer in their back yards on Mission/Mckellar Island in Thunder Bay but I haven't heard of them entering their homes.
Ohh My God... 8Turkeys invading a house I can just imagine what the out come of that would look like lol! :lol:
salmotrutta said:
I had a turkey fly directly over my car today, looked over and saw another one right by the road.

Later on I saw about 8 turkeys "invading" a house. They must have been munching on something on the lawn, not sure if the owner puts food out to feed them? darn smart idea if he does, I would love my turkey to come to me instead of having to go to the grocery store for it :)

Also saw what looked like geese with a bunch of baby geese, but may have just been ducklings mixed with geese because I'm not sure geese already have their young in late February.