Well-Known Member
Thanks for sharing salmotrutta...That is quite the flock! :wink:Saw a flock load of turkeys on Saturday morning, off Wilmot line nearing Weimar line in Waterloo. Picture does not show them all.
Thanks for sharing salmotrutta...That is quite the flock! :wink:Saw a flock load of turkeys on Saturday morning, off Wilmot line nearing Weimar line in Waterloo. Picture does not show them all.
river55 said:Up here around OS its not uncommon to see hundreds in a field in the winter eating whatever crop was left, doesn't seem to as many this year tho
river55 said:Yep owen sound, lots of them here. Well you guys got moose and walleye, say that trumps gobblers in my book :razz:
salmotrutta said:I had a turkey fly directly over my car today, looked over and saw another one right by the road.
Later on I saw about 8 turkeys "invading" a house. They must have been munching on something on the lawn, not sure if the owner puts food out to feed them? darn smart idea if he does, I would love my turkey to come to me instead of having to go to the grocery store for it
Also saw what looked like geese with a bunch of baby geese, but may have just been ducklings mixed with geese because I'm not sure geese already have their young in late February.