Upper French Boat Rental?

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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2009
Hello all,

I am planning a trip to the Upper French, where Nippissing and the French connect, this coming 4-8 June. We will be staying in the Provincial Park camping, however, would like to rent a boat for the duration of our stay. Can anyone recommend a particular outfitter in the area that is reasonably priced? I've stayed at Casa Blanca a couple years back, Brian the operator is an A1 guy and no doubt we will call him back and inquire on pricing. That being said, my fishing buddy is tight for cash and thus why we're camping and looking for a deal. Any help (or tips for fishing the area :mrgreen: hehehe) is very much appreciated. PM's more than welcome.

Thanks Faceman. I appreciate your response. But Trout Lake is closer to G.Bay and we are particular to the Upper French. Checked the sight out, looks like a very nice place and they have good rates. I may consider going there too sometime hahahaha.

That being said, our destination is the upper French between Nippissing and the Dokis reserve. Why? Specifically because I bought the Bluecharts for my Garmin handheld GPS and want to get somew use of the $150 I payed for the hydrographs. lol

It seems laughable but honestly, it's alot of money for maps.
So Brain up at Casa Blanca Lodge has been gracious enough to allow us a boat for the four days. Gotta book the camp site at ridgeview cottages and we have it locked up! Leaving this Wednesday and I AM FRIGGIN STOKED!!! :oops:

Heard some conflicting reports that campfires aren't aloud up there, which I find weird. Can anyone confirm this if they have been there recently? Also, what's the weather been like and more importantly the fishing? COUGHtipsCOUGH, lol

Wish me luck! Gonna be four days of hardcore french action (ok that just sounds bad) hahahahaha. :D

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