Vaughan Pond Maps

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Hey guys there is a pond in Thornhill the pond is at Dufferin and clark it is called Marita Payne pond I fish there a lot and I have caught bass 0.5-3 pound range, carp 2-7 pound range and black crappie, sunfish and catfish. The best time to fish here is from 7-11 in the morning and at night 6-9. The best baits to use : bass - topwater frogs , spinners and night crawlers. Carp - worms and corn. Other panfish - worm, minnow and small spinner. Last year in the summer i also caught a pike that was 14 inches long on a spinner but i haven't caught one since but there might be a few pike in there as well. Another good location for all the fish I just mentioned is in G ross lord park in the reservoir, i have caught 4 pound bass in there last year on worms but i don't suggest using lures besides minnow imitators.
fishing89 said:
Ive fished a few ponds around my area ( Richmond hill and Vaughan)

Ive always wondered HOW fish end up in these ponds? I mean...most of them are just storm drain and retention ponds...
I wondered the same thing in Florida. Seems like anything with more than 2FOW has fish in it. One of my homes down there is in a gated community. One night out of straight boredum and we had been drinking. My cousin-in-law and I decided to go out to this retention pond in the middle of the development and throw a line out. We ended up catching blue gill, bass other pan fish all of which must have been between 1-3lbs. The pond might be the size of 2 football fields. From what we could tell no deeper than 8' anywhere.

I did speak with a sales rep @ Gander mountain(Large American chain of outdoors store). His explination was pretty simple.
1. Birds that feed at the waters edge end up with fish eggs stuck to thier legs, they fly off and alot of the time "cross populate" waters.
2. Storms wash small fish/nests inland and into storm run offs. The stronger fish survive.
3. in the case of invasive species, people just throw thier un-wanted pets in the waters.

Up there I would imagine eggs could end up on the legs of fish, storms-maybe. I can see alot of people taking fish out of waters and placing them in "new" bodies of water., re-locating if you will.
AnglerAnonymous said:
Thats good to know, Now this may be a stupid quest but are there even fish in some of these ponds lol? they look like pits that were used to pump out water from construction sites into.
You'd be surprise what you can pull out of some storm drains we have in the GTA...I'm talking about fish...
I've explored the ponds in Vaughan, and found some very productive fisheries... Just have to explore...

And Please do practice Catch and Release.. A) you don't want to destroy your delicate Urban fisheries close to you, since being so small, couldn't sustain a catch and keep fishery...

and B) .. I doubt you'd want to be ingesting mercury, motor oil, coolant, windshield wiper fluid, possibly house paint, car wash soap, pesticide... You get the picture! lol
Citybass said:
Hey guys there is a pond in Thornhill the pond is at Dufferin and clark it is called Marita Payne pond I fish there a lot and I have caught bass 0.5-3 pound range, carp 2-7 pound range and black crappie, sunfish and catfish. The best time to fish here is from 7-11 in the morning and at night 6-9. The best baits to use : bass - topwater frogs , spinners and night crawlers. Carp - worms and corn. Other panfish - worm, minnow and small spinner. Last year in the summer i also caught a pike that was 14 inches long on a spinner but i haven't caught one since but there might be a few pike in there as well. Another good location for all the fish I just mentioned is in G ross lord park in the reservoir, i have caught 4 pound bass in there last year on worms but i don't suggest using lures besides minnow imitators.
I tried to fish at Marita pond, about 30mins with worms, nothing...
the water was very turbid
Just wanted to post an update, fished a pond in Vaughan two days in a row with no success, lots of small stuff being caught by younger kids...not sure what the rules are about posting exact location but I don't know if there is anything over half a lb in there
Has anyone ever caught anything on ponds 78, 79, or 80. I live pretty close by and was wondering if it would be worth casting a line there.