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So Im looking into getting a new rotary vise, and was wondering what your opinions are between a danvise and the griffin spyder
Jacklake said:I have a Danvise and a Griffin Odyssey Cam. I think the steel in the jaws of the Griffin is a bit better. As well, the shaft separates into two pieces so it is useful as a travel vise because if you have both a pedestal and a clamp you can affix it to any table and achieve the best vise height. Their customer service is excellent. However the jaws do not close perfectly parallel so you have to find the sweet spot to hold the hook.
I have tied about 2,000 flies on the Danvise, about 500 of them on the original set-up. I did eventually get the extended jaw holder from Al Beatty for $35 and it was a good upgrade. The tabe clamp that is part of the system is excellent and holds well on any table. The cam is unique, don't over-tighten. It has a progressively stronger pressure the more you apply it (not just a simple on-off pressure), so easy does it. The former owner of Classic and Custom Fly Shop in Connecticut (Dave Goulet) tied 1,000s of flies for his shop on one.
Every rotary vise has a method of applying the right 'drag' pressure so vise can rotate, but also stay in the 'horizontal' position if needed. And most of them use nylon or rubber compression washers, so they all have a soft spot and a firm spot on the rotation regardless of price. Only the Danvise has ball bearings on the shaft. The only other one worth looking at in the moderate price range is the Peak.
So you moved upscale to a top-line vise and will never have to get another. Excellent!FrequentFlyer said:well after much research, I decided against these 2 vises and went with the Griffin Blackfoot Mongoose