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Wow.........A lot of you guys just don’t get it. Licencetopin does. It seems to be more important to go fishing under "Prime Conditions" then it does to just get out and fish. I guess it is the interweb age that has changed things. What people did we do before the web? They picked a day and went fishing. If the conditions we poor they adjusted there presentation and fished. They became more versatile and better anglers. Everyone today wants everything spoon feed to them. Fishing spots, conditions, techniques, access points, etc. The best steelheaders I know started off on the river not on the internet and they don’t ask for conditions they book a day and fish. Like Licencetopin stated above. Just get out and fish. My best days on the water have been ones I didn't hook anything.
Just my opintion.
Actually id take you up on that bet? how much?

Think of how many loogans and morons this thread has attracted, then people go and have threads like "zoo" and complain about the garbage and bs that all these rivers go through right now.
ok guys before this thread gets out of hand lets get some facts.

now i understand when people ask how much ice is on simcoe or some other lake, fair enough, they don't want to waste time driving to unsafe conditions.
with river fishing, we have to add very important factor.... flow. when we talk about small creeks, its all about timing. so lets say if someone caught lots of fish on saturday under perfect water conditions, sundays conditions will be different. don't forget that on those small creeks it takes anywhere from 6 to 12 hours for visibility to go from chocolate milk to gin clear.


this is from last year, but as you can see in the image above that the water level changed within hours.
there was lots of rain on oct 14
all the runoff raised the water level by midnight
oct 15 it started clearing up, and it was gin clear by oct 16
this was heavy rain so it took little longer to clear up, but i think by now you get the idea.

so if you were on the river in the morning on oct 15, you had perfect conditions for fresh run of fish.

so now you see why asking about any visibility update is not going to help you catch more fish, cause by the time the person comes home from fishing and posts it online the river conditions had changed already.
best thing to do is studying the flow charts and going to your favorite locations next day after the rain. depending how much rain the area got, eventualy you will find that magic number

good luck
very well explained u can always use this site as well
it helps alot if u are going fishin after a rainfall.
What ever happened to looking at a river to see how fast it's flowing!... ;

I don't need a graph to show me that it rained...

Sorry, couldn't resist...just playing devil's

that water office site is nice to track when you did have good days in the past and try to match those trends in the future. Great resource.
What ever happened to looking at a river to see how fast it's flowing!... ;

I don't need a graph to show me that it rained...

Sorry, couldn't resist...just playing devil's

that water office site is nice to track when you did have good days in the past and try to match those trends in the future. Great resource.

float how u gonna check how its flowing when some guys live 2 to 3 hours away, looking at graphs helps cos u can see how much the water has raised. I know before i woud arrive to only find the river blown or to dirty to fish. This graphs helped me dozens of times and hopefully it will others as well
float how u gonna check how its flowing when some guys live 2 to 3 hours away, looking at graphs helps cos u can see how much the water has raised. I know before i woud arrive to only find the river blown or to dirty to fish. This graphs helped me dozens of times and hopefully it will others as well

I know man...I was just being a terd, joking around...
I said that I use it lots...
The one thing that can be annoying is that it will sometimes be a day or 2 behind real time for smaller creeks. Not sure why the data isn't instant.

But the thing is, I might get 4 days a month to get out in the fall, so I go no matter what the conditions too. Just hope for the best when I go.
same here work is very busy so when ever i have time i will go, but i will check the graph just in case :smile: i just saw rain for tomorrow but fishing shoud be good ;-)
Yup...I hear that.
Heading out to Huron tomorrow.
Creeks should be clearing up, hopefully a fresh run came in with the rain.

I'll give a visibility ;)
visibility update? screw that go fishing. sounds like you guys like catching more than fishing it self... we drove to 4 different rivers today walked a bunch and some of the crew came as far as Brampton, doesn't matter if you live farther. everyone still pays for gas, heck it was even almost 10 cents cheaper out there than in the city... point is gotta put your work in to get paid, do your homework to graduate, go fishing to catch fish! catch my drift? well today we smashed fresh run of hungry steelies also cohos, and browns. there's your update.
4hrs drive $450.00 hotel + gas and food...... I also smashed tons of browns, steelies and salmon. Still would have been worth it if I had not caught any its all about time on the river. Watch the weather network an go when you can lol
visibility update? screw that go fishing. sounds like you guys like catching more than fishing it self... we drove to 4 different rivers today walked a bunch and some of the crew came as far as Brampton, doesn't matter if you live farther. everyone still pays for gas, heck it was even almost 10 cents cheaper out there than in the city... point is gotta put your work in to get paid, do your homework to graduate, go fishing to catch fish! catch my drift? well today we smashed fresh run of hungry steelies also cohos, and browns. there's your update.

Discussing a rivers visibility isn't against the rules. We don't want to go to the extreme otherwise this might get uncomfortable like another forum we all know. Which has an unfriendly atmosphere to say the least.
Discussing a rivers visibility isn't against the rules. We don't want to go to the extreme otherwise this might get uncomfortable like another forum we all know. Which has an unfriendly atmosphere to say the least.

This form has already got to that point of no return BECAUSE of all the bickering. I no longer can get a straight answer about anything anymore because of these so called fisherman.
This form has already got to that point of no return BECAUSE of all the bickering. I no longer can get a straight answer about anything anymore because of these so called fisherman.

u can say that again lol. But this board is still good at helping people out. U look at other boards if someone asks for water conditions u get attacked as if u killed someone.
Tell you the truth dude I'm leaving this forum just for this reason. I joined this site to make some fishing buddies an the way everyone is, I have second thoughts an made my decision. Lol. Ridiculous dude
Yup, gotta draw a line between fish pops and the general publics comfort. Ask yourself which is more important.
Tell you the truth dude I'm leaving this forum just for this reason. I joined this site to make some fishing buddies an the way everyone is, I have second thoughts an made my decision. Lol. Ridiculous dude

No Garfield! :( Don't leave. Something told me you would. Don't leave like this :(
No Garfield! :( Don't leave. Something told me you would. Don't leave like this :(

Well when u see guys like Blair leave u know something ain't right. All he ever did was post friendly updates and help people out.

Just saying, don't let a couple comments steer you outa here.