Wake up Cobourg, Fishing is not a CRIME!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2012
Well, if any of you have fished Cobourg Brook this season, you would have seen new signs posted at the entrance to various access points.

They had a public meeting a week or so back now and many many many anglers were present to show the town this is not acceptable.

We hope the town council has listened but to be sure, I put a reminder on the back of my truck for them to read.

Unfortunately, a few anglers who do not respect the area/property and ruining it for others. I will not tolerate this and we are now lobbying the town to enforce the existing bylaws, not change the bylaws. As it stands right now, it is illegal to even take a picture of a sunrise in Cobourg as you are breaking the law to get to the waters edge.

The deputy Mayor said "Oh no, that's alright, you are just walking through the park, your not stopping"! Yes people, if you are walking your dog, or going to take pictures of the sunrise, it's OK. But HEAVEN FORBID, you got a fishing rod in your hand, guarenteed, the home owners will call the cops!

If anyone is interested in putting a sticker on their vehicle, they are 5 bucks for a small one. (about 6 inches high, 8 inches wide).
Its going to be a very profitable opner for the town lol. The same thing will be happening in Port Hope, I read it will be during the fall though, no night fishing between certain dates. There is one area that I can understand the homeowners getting upset ( if you fished it, you'll know what I mean) but there a simple no parking sign would fix the problem. If the people can walk their dog at 6am without a fine though, I call some serious Bull Sheit !
I live and fish in Cobourg, the sign does not state you can't fish. I don't understand the problem, I've never encountered a problem while fishing. Well other than blatant disregard to fishing laws and the amount of garbage left behind from those fishing. I'm not trying to stir up crap but is there a reason why garbage can't be taken back to be properly dispose of? It's embarrassing the amount of garbage left behind and I'm personally sick of taking others garbage home to try and stop townships from feeling something has to be done. Maybe it's time to start holding others accountable as fishermen, maybe have to start pointing out others garbage for them but I'm not in any mood to start confrontation with people who think throwing garbage wherever is fine as all it's ever got me in the past is a mouthful of Foff and mind your own business. As a resident of Cobourg it's disgusting the amount of garbage left behind it's like people just don't care and I would hate to loose my and your privilege to fish this and many other water systems but it will happen if we can't stop being pigs! It has to end or we will be forced off the waters we cherish and the fish we love to catch. It's all respect, and that respect needs to go both ways. We all say our rights to fish should be respected but there is no apparent respect giving to the environment by those that are using it, we are the only ones who can prevent these problems from happening.
Rant over
I used to say that there were a few bad guys that would ruin it for the rest of us, but lately I have noticed more and more idiots on the rivers leaving garbage , fishing line , cigarette packs , empty worm containers and the list goes on and on. Communities are cracking down and unfortunately this is going to be a trend on more and more rivers and creeks. Look at how many access points we have lost on Simcoe alone. Fishing is not a crime it's a sport a love of the outdoors and therapy for most. It's a tough loss for a lot of the good guys and gals out there.

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