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Explosions in the sky - The only moment we were alone...
My tunes when fishing as well.
Bow Man said:
At work now.... so listening to my boss behind me......blah...blah....blah... :)
Remy right now toopy and binoo would be sounds of joy insted of listening to the boss's verbale diaharrea...
Ohh man. If I hear toopy and binoo, Mike the knight or My big big friend one more time im goin to die. I had the whole month off and I am literally going insane....

Right now had to pop on my 2112 album, Listening to the temples of Syrnix by rush.
Ahhhh now this is relaxing....
remyboy said:
noob you got some soul eh....I thought you were just a what do you use, what do you target kinda guy--good on ya--I will be listening to etta james on the way home--and them my ex girl after that
Haha ya Remy. I love soul, R&B and good ol Mississippi Delta Blues! :D You've never read my profile have you??? :D
ShouldaUsedaLiter said:
Pink floyd is awesome, but cmon man they cant even touch zepplin. :cool:
All a matter of opinion... but I must say that Page tops Gilmour though, by how much??? I would say very little...
buck said:
nice to see some of you younger guys have good taste in music Zeppelin and Floyd my 2 favorite bands just listening to On an Island - David Gilmour
Thanks. I have all of both of their albums, given to me from my dad when I turned 13 from his collection, now he wants me to put them on his computer, so I get the change to re-listen to a lot of ones that were hiding at the back of the pile and find my new favourite album from both of those bands as I get older and see how my life has changed my favourites. That's really cool for me.
FishingNoob said:
Thanks. I have all of both of their albums, given to me from my dad when I turned 13 from his collection, now he wants me to put them on his computer, so I get the change to re-listen to a lot of ones that were hiding at the back of the pile and find my new favourite album from both of those bands as I get older and see how my life has changed my favourites. That's really cool for me.
buck said:
nice to see some of you younger guys have good taste in music Zeppelin and Floyd my 2 favorite bands just listening to On an Island - David Gilmour
Well when you turn on the Radio, how do you now feel compelled to vomit out of the window lol. All modern music is a remake of an old tune one way or another. When I started playing was when I started to gain a new respect for all these old bands.
I went from old school chevy`s to drop top Porsches
u couldn't walk a mile off in my air forces


and yes I drive one of those cars that go boom boom :mrgreen: but atleast im honest
cruise-florida georgia line
started from the bottom-drake
cant hold us-macklemore
b**** dont kill my vibe-not sure
make it bun dem-skrillex
and anything on the radio lol