What are your hobbies?

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Dave Bailey said:
I'm a naturalist, so things like birding and such are my thing. Also, photography, usually nature or aircraft. I also enjoy building model aircraft, and almost exclusively in a genre known as 'what if?'. That means I can do anything from putting on the markings of an air force that never used the type, or coming up with a completely wild creation from whatever parts are laying around. A few years ago I combined that hobby with fishing, and came up with this after my daughter found an old Rapala in the water::http://www.aircraftresourcecenter.com/Gal6/5601-5700/gal5680_Sudenkorento_Bailey/00.shtm
That's amazing and creative of you..... See my PM.
Fishing, golf, model trains (in the winter)... gave up model aircraft a while back... love cars and the outdoors....

Travel as much as possible. Countries I have been to UK, Germany, France, Holland, Switzerland, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India, Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Russia, Dubai, Indonesia, Korea, Sweden, Turkey, Carribean, Cuba, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Egypt, India, Iran and of course our neighbor south....
ray6591 said:
Fishing, golf, model trains (in the winter)... gave up model aircraft a while back... love cars and the outdoors....

Travel as much as possible. Countries I have been to UK, Germany, France, Holland, Switzerland, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India, Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Russia, Dubai, Indonesia, Korea, Sweden, Turkey, Carribean, Cuba, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Egypt, India, Iran and of course our neighbor south....
You get a better perspective in life once you meet people from many different cultures and you get to taste a variety of food....It is also amazing to see how similar we are as people even though we call things different names and think we practice things different because of our culture/religion etc,.
wow ray there are some interesting countries on that list! Countries I probably wouldnt feel safe going to! lol. Any girls with you on that Saudi Arabia trip??? If so it must have been an erie feeling for them!
I train few times a week, then compete on weekends at the local 40years + TENNIS league, got more serious into competition in the last 3 years. I used to play for US Varsity Tennis when I was in my 20's. Got into more fishing when I retired from serious tennis 20 years ago.

Since fishing has gotten slower in many lakes close to GTA, and gas prices have gone up, I chose, knit pick and calculate when to take my chance to go fish, more than a necessity to go, but I still have to fight my urge all the time on trying to just wet my iine.

Prior to 7 years ago, I used to fish once a week, -10 degrees on winter months will not stop me from going out. Now I cut my trip down to twice a month max, and do more efficient shore fishing than taking my boat out. Hard to get consistent double digit catch by myself these days. I fish during spring and late fall, try to avoid hot summer months if I can control my fishing urges. By going to my local tennis club often, which is just 5 minutes away, it help me take my mind off fishing, after 1.5 hrs of playing, I get tired and my fishing urges disappear.

I love and understand the complication of both Tennis and Fishing sport, The Tennis sport just cost less and more productive/rewarding for the amount of time I invested in it. Prior to 10 years back, fishing used to be so easy. I still remembered landing at least 40 salmon in a month of evening shore fishing , while the person that got my into it was landing 60+. Not too overly crowded as well where we were fishing, almost 2-4 lines were going down at the same time in 5-10 minute increment. landing 5-10 Salmon a night per person was our norm. Nowadays aside from forcing to give up our spot due to desperate disrespectful anglers coming in to steal our spot while we were landing our fish, being able to land 10 salmon a season is calling it lucky.

One big plus on having this fishing sport,....... i learned to explore many areas , every time I travel outside of GTA
in ontario or to the US eastern state, fishing has been a part of my trip. FIshing has made me even more street smart today.
i play guitar, watch anime, hang with my fam, try new beers, try new food, poker.

i spent 5 years in puerto vallarta mexico from 09 to just now i moved back. loved going out on the board walk and hang with friends. trying all the best mexican food. i miss it but im starting a new life here in southern ontario.

i used to have a nitro rc buggy that i loved gave that hobby up since it took alot of time, built some model and rubber powered air planes.

but alot of my days when i dont work or fish i just sit at the computer and educate myself on fishing, cars, computers, news, people. stuff like that.
Fishing is new to me this year. I had two daughters playing girls AA hockey for 12 years. Really did not allow for any free time or other hobbies. So now I am exploring fly fishnig and fly tying. I also have a collection of straight razors and tobacco pipes that eat away and what could be considered disposable income
Fishing and motorsports. That's it. Fish all year round. Take my break in the winter to ride my snowmobile. And also ride my 3 wheeler.
Well I like sports I work out' love science and tech and a huge nerd lol I want to be an engineer or physicist
I also play lots of sports, love to travel, like cars planes any thing really, I like meeting new people and making friends. I've been told I'm a handy man,in just did the hardwood flooring in my house, I can put things together no matter how badly their broken. I make model cars and planes, I'm pretty open to new ideas, been lots of places in Europe and in the us. I play guitar and I like expensive things lol