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Ready for some float fishing this fall. Curtesy of fishheads ImageUploadedByTapatalk1414620449.096818.jpg
Went to go pick up the simms headwater coat, on sale at my local shop. Found this greys coat slightly cheaper, but more features..... took me a while to overcome my inner label whore and make the better choice .......

plus everyone and their gramma wears the headwater
tcp said:
Went to go pick up the simms headwater coat, on sale at my local shop. Found this greys coat slightly cheaper, but more features..... took me a while to overcome my inner label whore and make the better choice .......

plus everyone and their gramma wears the headwater
Nice..... if you dont mind me asking how much?
TCP thats a nice jacket.

Simms for me was the only one that felt right in torso length. Everything else felt just a little too short even for a wading jacket.
Bow_Man said:
Nice..... if you dont mind me asking how much?
the simms was onsale for 199 from 249. The greys was listed at 179, but the owner of the store said he'd give it to me for 159 as it was the last one in stock.

Buzzkill said:
TCP thats a nice jacket.

Simms for me was the only one that felt right in torso length. Everything else felt just a little too short even for a wading jacket.
I thought it was nice too. The simms headwaters was nice as well, fit me good. but being their economy jacket, it was lacking on the pockets and other bells and whistles... I really wanted the simms g3 guide jacket, but man.... pricey
I think you made a good call. Looks sharp too, and its nice to not have the same as everyone else.