Pretty much man. When I lived up north no body gave a ****, it's just in the city where people freak out and look at your like you're a murderer or gang member.tcp said:I carry a small folding knife in my pocket every single day, everywhere I go. I just clip it on my pocket so that the clip shows outward and the knife is in my pocket, guessing that is good enough for non concealment , never had a problem with it. I find people these days have become real panzies when it comes to knives and guns. Everyone is so afraid when they see someone carrying a knife or gun, not sure what the big deal is. When our parents were kids, it was acceptable to walk down the street with a rifle over your shoulder. Nowadays you would be shot on sight by a swat team for something like that, no questions asked, just boom dead. Weve really become ******* when it comes to this. People need to just chill the Eff out.
The knife I carry on the daily is a gerber "bear grylls" folder, cheap, good blade, perfect for everyday things, like opening boxes , mail, beers, cutting fishing line,tags off of new clothing, etc, and good enough for cleaning small game or fish when nothing better is available . Im in the market for some better knives tho. Looking for a nice fixed blade.
so this said:I know this is an older thread, but it should be stated since there seems to be some confusion. According to the Canadian criminal code, you are allowed to carry any fixed blade, or folding knife as long with a blade under 9" (no official length is mention in the criminal code, but this is what cops look for) as long as it is in plain view, in no way concealed on your person, and for the purpose of being a tool. In other words, if a cop asks you about your knife, it is never for anything other than work purposes, if you state that it is for self defence or any other means which it may be intentionally used to cause bodily harm to another individual, you will be arrested on the spot. The law regards intent of use more important than most other things.
That being said, you MAY NOT possess any of the following:
8. The device known as the “Constant Companionâ€, being a belt containing a blade capable of being withdrawn from the belt, with the buckle of the belt forming a handle for the blade, and any similar device.
Never leave home without my SOG Visionary Idusty122 said:hi wasn't really sure were to post this lol.
what kind of knives are you guys carrying with you? , not necessarily for filleting fish but for a hunting/survival/ camping knife.
im looking for one. so when i go and portage somewhere up in Halliburton ill have more than just my fillet knife :lol:
show some pics too!
"S. 84(1) Prohibited Weapons:Default_User said:Does nobody carry Swiss Army knives anymore? LOL
I keep my butterfly knife in my tackle box... Don't know how legal it is though.
The Belt knife is absolutely illegal Dusty, it's considered a concealed weapon, with the express purpose of injuring another person.dusty122 said:so this
but now im confused. what about scherades new M.A.G.I.C assisted knife?
is that considered illigal? or grey area?