What type of fish did I catch ?

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I know this is an old post but I just have to say I don't think your reason for keeping it was solid. Pictures of you holding it alive would also probably help determine the species. If you aren't 100 percent sure about what you caught, I wouldn't rely on the call of someone beside me unless I knew that person was highly educated. Shame.
This reminds me of crappie,(pun), pics we see of UFO's, Bigfoot, or the Loch Ness Monster. I'm seeing one tail lying on top of another. Is this a failed attempt at photo shop???
Shepp said:
This reminds me of crappie,(pun), pics we see of UFO's, Bigfoot, or the Loch Ness Monster. I'm seeing one tail lying on top of another. Is this a failed attempt at photo shop???
lol, No. What you may be seeing might be a leaf or something from the ground not sure but I'm no good with picture edits lol.
alwayscatching said:
I know this is an old post but I just have to say I don't think your reason for keeping it was solid. Pictures of you holding it alive would also probably help determine the species. If you aren't 100 percent sure about what you caught, I wouldn't rely on the call of someone beside me unless I knew that person was highly educated. Shame.
The guy sounded like he knew what he was talking about with the dots on the top of its mouth saying brown have them, As for not putting it back I would of but it was hooked bad and was not going to make it, They say not to put fish back if its not going to live and thinking at the time it was a brown trout I'd just eat since I do like to eat trout.