What zone is home?

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Active Member
Apr 13, 2014
Hey all

It sounds to me like there's a lot of "southerners" on these boards. I wouldn't mind getting a better idea of what zone is home to you, and what you're usually fishing for.

If you do live in the south, how do you feel about the accessibility to waters? Do you usually have a fair drive to get to the river bank, or get out on the water? I'm around all sorts of decent ponds, but the ones I know well, and frequent, are all a good half hour, 40 minute drive from home.

Some of my fishing buddies have a misconception (at least I believe it's a misconception) about the access to waters in Southern Ontario; that there aren't very many accessible water bodies.

For me, Zone 10 has always been home. I fish primarily for Pike, Walleye and Smallmouth, but also fish for Brook Trout.
Hey Jiggin, zone 16 and also 20 and 19.
Let me say Hamilton area. There is lot's of accessable waters.
Mostly Bass , Pike and "eyes when in season, but lots of Cats, Chrome and other assorted critters.

Zone 16 and 20. Plenty of spring migratory fishing within minutes of my front door and no more than an hour for big fast water chrome, 45 minutes away from decent pike and bass fishing. Plenty of streams full of surprises.

It is nice to take some time off work, go north and enjoy a small quiet lake all to my self for at least a little while. Something that never happens here.
16 and 15 for me. i have good access to many tribs and lakes from sauga, lots of stuff within an hours drive or less. all the major runs i can catch with ease.

and in the summer i got some nice lakes nearby as well as the near north trips i regularly make from may-august
16, 19, and 20. Pike, bass, trout, salmon, walleye, pumpkinseed, mooneye, carp, catfish, drum.
16 17 and 15 are my home waters, bass, trout, steelhead, pike, walleye, panfish, carp, really anything that swims for me.
Downtown centre waterfront area of zone 20. 10 minute walk to the waterfront, 20 minutes to the ferry.
Ashbridges Bay Park to Humber River marsh with Tommy Thompson, the Islands and a bunch of other spots in-between.

Species wise, everything comes through at some point in the year.
i fish almost only zone 17 and 16 and ive caught pretty much anything you can catch here theres lots of water thats easy to get to and its mostly full of easy access
Another one here for Zone 16 and 20! I am still new to fishing and have not gone exploring too much, but we've got a lot of nice conservation areas around here both run my Hamilton and Niagara. As far as accessibility, my wife usually takes the car for work, but just taking the bus around here I can hit a lot quality shore line of Lake O during the week.
I live in Pickering, FMZ 17. But I'm a short drive from Lake Ontario, which is Zone 20. Close to Frenchmans Bay, which is also Zone 20, but not all Zone 20 regulations apply to it. Glad I can read the regs!
Oshawa. FMZ 17. But I don't get out much, trying to change that this weekend :). A bit rusty, and it's looking like the rain is going to blow out the creek.