What's a good but cheap ice fishing fish finder

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Garfield the cat

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2011
Looking in to a fish finder but not sure what would be good. I stumbled across in Walmart an seen the Piranha with case for $139.00. What do you think? Anyone?
radio world has x67c for 250, it's your last chance to buy it since it's discontinued model.
next year they will introduce new ice machine with m68c head unit, and they will more expensive.

if you need just basic fishfinder with very few functions, go for it. i used to have piranha 220, and it's very simple.

btw does it come with battery and charger? if not, that is another 40 on top.
i run a hummingbird 535 cost me about 220 4 yrs ago has whiteline feature 8x zoom and good resoulution...i think they still make the model if not the 617 or 618 is basically the same unit but you can add a GPS too it for 100 bucks. lots of guys i fish with run Lowarnce FishMark or X 67's also really good units in that lower mid range price point. i recommend making your own carry case from a appropriate sized cooler and usinging a snowmobile battery as power source.....way more amp hours and not that much heavier.
Will you be using this in a boat? if so, keep youre eyes open for tthe Humminbird 550 from CT.They go on special alot,and I picked one up for the bow of my boat, for 149.95.
1. Chop a hole in the ice
2. install goggles and swim fins
3. Take a deep breath
4. Swim around for a while looking for fish
