Well hello everyone .
I just want give a quick bio of myself If I may
Approx.12 years ago I had a heart attack,at which time I was only 42 years old.This was an eye opening experience for me .
So what does it have to with fishing? For me it has become everything.I had to make a decission ,keep doing what I'm doing or most likely die.
Sounds crazy ,but that is what I did .I sold my business .But what happened next was like a miracle.A couple years passed ,but in Nov. of 2002 I
was offered a job with a private fishing camp.
I started in May of 2003 and have been there since then.My responsibilities included ,building maintenance,grounds keeping,meals when members were there,clearing exsisting trials to some of the most remote lakes,keeping the wood boxes full ,ect.You can get the idea from that .
Since that time I have open up several different trails to some of the most isolated lakes in the area,where not even flying in is possible .Now the members ,when they arrive with there guests,they ask where are you taking us fishing this time.?So now I have become a bonifide Fishing Guide.
My philosphy ,Keep fishing it just may save your life.
Kindest Regards