Where to buy a St Croix rod?

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Aug 16, 2011
I have a very specific rod in mind but couldn't find it at Bass Pro online or in store. What other shops are available in the Toronto area?

The rod I'm looking to buy is a St. Croix Avid Salmon/Steelhead 9.6ML rod, model number AVS96MLF2. I'm hoping it will give me the flexibility of comfortable pier-chucking for salmon but still be versatile enough for accurate casting of lighter lures; I really don't want to tote around a whole bunch of rods.
That rod is way too light for pier chucking, your arms will be screaming after 20mins casting. 2/3oz. Cleo's will be pushing it, 3/4oz no way.
I've got a 9'6" HMX MH 8-17lb and I can go down to 1/4oz jigs no probs with 15lb Tuf Line, but it's too stiff to try floating with even a 6lb tippet.

It's become my do-all journeyman rod, lub it.
I would step up to the model AVS96MF2 that would be my ideal rod. 1/4 to 3/4 oz lures. I have the casting model and it is amazing rod.
Hopefully Steve will have some in stock for you
I'm in Port Credit. Saw http://www.jbfishingdepot.com today and will give Steve a call.

@Diligaf, I'm surprised you think it will be fatiguing. I thought the light weight would help there?

@jc, I wanted to cover the 1/8-5/8 oz range because I was hoping to use the same rod for trout-fishing with small spinners up-stream (at least one of which is a mere 1/16 of an ounce).

The obvious, albeit expensive, alternative is to get 2 rods, (M & UL or MH & L) but I'd probably have to aim lower than St. Croix in that case and I really wanted the benefit of alconite reel guides to deal with the 20# braid I intend to use.
Just as a point of reference, I'm upgrading from a 7' M Ugly Stick. It casts fine spooled with 10# P-Line CX on a Shimano Sienna 2500FD but is really exhausting.

With the new setup I'm hoping to cast at least 20% farther (~50yds) a lot more comfortably. Currently, I'm planning on using the 9'6" ML St.Croix spooled with 20# PowerPro braid on a Shimano Sahara 3000FD. Is this a reasonable expectation? What would you change?
Just as a point of reference, I'm upgrading from a 7' M Ugly Stick. It casts fine spooled with 10# P-Line CX on a Shimano Sienna 2500FD but is really exhausting.

With the new setup I'm hoping to cast at least 20% farther (~50yds) a lot more comfortably. Currently, I'm planning on using the 9'6" ML St.Croix spooled with 20# PowerPro braid on a Shimano Sahara 3000FD. Is this a reasonable expectation? What would you change?

That is going to be huge change specially in the the rod. The difference will be night and day. Casting will be much better with the fast action rod and the extra length.
Only thing I would add would be a flouro carbon leader say 2-3 ft of 20 lb.
That is going to be huge change specially in the the rod. The difference will be night and day. Casting will be much better with the fast action rod and the extra length.
Only thing I would add would be a flouro carbon leader say 2-3 ft of 20 lb.
Thanks for the reassurance. I was actually planning on sticking with the 10# CX as leader material. It does well as a shock leader because it stretches somewhere between flouro and mono and relatively abrasion resistant; better than braid at least. I also have a couple of 9" titanium leaders I bought after a pike cut through my line on one of my first fishing trips so I might try those out as well.

Anyway I plan to experiment on the leader front so I'll see if I can get some inexpensive flouro as well; any brand recommendations?
You would not believe how many times I have had my leader sliced by a cruising chinook when I was hooked up to another.
Just a little insurance cleos and J-13 are not are not cheap I learned the hard way.

I would go with the Seaguar (spelling) material 20-25 lb min.
That is going to be huge change specially in the the rod. The difference will be night and day.

Not with that rod, I'd wager he could cast further with the Ugly Stik.
When I say "light" I'm not talking about the weight, I'm referring to the ACTION.

A 9"6" ML rod is bordering on noodle, no way does it have the backbone to chuck the 3/4oz. hardware for salmon. Plus having a rod bent halfway just from the action of the lures you're throwing is murder on your wrists.
In a nutshell no, there is no miracle setup that can chuck spoons or J-13's for Kings in September, and swing #1 spinners for steelies in April.
Not with that rod, I'd wager he could cast further with the Ugly Stik.
When I say "light" I'm not talking about the weight, I'm referring to the ACTION.
I got that. I'm just not understanding how a stiffer rod can chuck the same weight further than a softer rod? Wouldn't the ML load more for the same weight lure?
A 9"6" ML rod is bordering on noodle, no way does it have the backbone to chuck the 3/4oz. hardware for salmon. Plus having a rod bent halfway just from the action of the lures you're throwing is murder on your wrists.
In a nutshell no, there is no miracle setup that can chuck spoons or J-13's for Kings in September, and swing #1 spinners for steelies in April.
I tried an 11' L, slow action rod with a Rapala J13 (5/8oz I believe) and 30# braid and I cast it ~25 yards on pretty much the first try. I'll give you that the bend is quite significant though.

As for handling different weight lures, the Ugly stick does a pretty good job actually and I wouldn't be even thinking of upgrading it if it wasn't for how heavy that sucker is.

Does anyone actually own a 9'+ ML who can weigh in?
Steve at JB's was out of 9'6 and 10'6 MLs. I was tempted to get the 9'6 M but I held it in my hands and it just didn't feel right. Maybe if I had a chance to string one up and simulate a cast I'd have more confidence in my choice. Anyone know of any shops that offer rod test-drives? :D