Where to catch catfish

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Jan 7, 2013
Hamilton , Ont
Hello , i just moved to Hamilton Ontario a couple months ago and i was curious if anyone would like to share a nice local spot to catch some nice catfish :)

Thank you for your time

Lots of nice cats here. Park then walk over the small bridge, then follow the roadway to the Desjardin canal.
Coote\'s cats.jpg
Also going by Hammercarps map. Anywhere along the shore of Cootes between the parking area and Desjardin Canal. I get lots along there, my biggest so far, 12 lbs. Of course ice may be an issue for the next few months.

We catch a few on the red every year. It not the best time to target them at all though. I will try and find a pic from a friend
Hi there, I'm new to this forum so greetings to everyone ! :)

I was just wondering if it's possible to fish at the desjardin canal around this time for some cats? Was hoping maybe one of you fellows would know :D