Which Knots do you use?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2010
Between Midland and Barrie
I use mono line only so i just use an improved clinch knot mostly. When joining two line together i use a blood knot. Which knot do you find is your favorite for tying lures on? Joining two lines together? Please include types of line you use. The main purpose is we tried a blood knot to join braid to flourocarbon and it kept slipping out...anyone have a good one for that?
lol red i use the same knots u use. Improved clinch knot never fails me and very simple to tie.Don`t know to much about braid i use mono mostly and blot knot works great for that.
For attaching a leader to flyline i use a nail knot. Those are the only 3 i use...i am going to try something else other than the blood now as i might switch to braids/flouro sometime soon on a few rods. Looking at uni-knot
I use mono line only so i just use an improved clinch knot mostly. When joining two line together i use a blood knot. Which knot do you find is your favorite for tying lures on? Joining two lines together? Please include types of line you use. The main purpose is we tried a blood knot to join braid to flourocarbon and it kept slipping out...anyone have a good one for that?
i find what works best for me.. is a swivel, but now i run 100% florocarbon, i got tierd of always tieing floro to my mono i just loaded my whole reel with 12lbs florocarbon
When attaching mono to mono I use the Surgeon knot or back to back uni knots. The best knot that I have found, and it could be used for everything is the San Diego jam knot , see http://www.netknots.com/html/san_diego_jam_knot.html . It is super easy to tie ,gives 99% knot strength and is the only knot I use for attaching hooks , swivels , or lures. The illustration shows a horizontal depiction of how the knot is tied. When I'm using this knot I pass the line through the ring on the lure and hold the tag end and the mainline so that the lure is about 4 inches below where I'm holding the line,then I spin the lure to create the turns, then through the loop at the and the top loop ,wet the line and pull snug.
I use Trilene knots, Rapala knots, Uni knot, Surgeon knot and the Albright knot, I use the Albright knot to tie mono or fluro as leader to my braid.

I use the Trilene knot to tie hooks and swivels. The Rapala knot for when I use my Rapala lures (as the Rapala brothers say to use)

Staffman good knot find I have been practicing it and the line broke before the knot let go, good find.

Also kinda off topic but a good effective way to use your Rap lures properly.


Braid or composite braid with a fluoro leader works good. I like braid because I troll spinners, and it doesn't get all wound up on itself and the end of my rod. I use a swivel to connect the two together. I do use the surgeon's knot quite a bit for my fly fishing setups. Another opportunity is a tying a loop at both ends, and connecting them together that way. Not the strongest, but not compromised either and quick and easy. That said, I've yet to have a loop break off with a fish on the end.
I have a knot book that came to me for simply asking - free. It's the Ande Book of Knots. I emailed the company and about 3-4 weeks later, there it was, in my mailbox. Great little reference!
I am seriously considering switching a couple of rods from mono to flouro, mostly for the abrasion resistance.(fish for alot of toothy critters)

Many Pike and Musky anglers run 45-60 pound flouro leaders instead of the old wire leaders.
I use Uni knot for attaching flouro leader to the main braided line. I tried breaking it off and line broke, but not the knot! For attaching lures, I use the improved clinch and for most of hooks, snell 'm
I like attaching two loops toether as i havent learned any good line to line knots yet. I however dont think there is anything wrong with a #12 or 14 swivel, its barely more visible than the end of the braided line.
One of the things we learn in fly fishing (tying leaders, ect.) is the knot is usually the weakest point in the line. Line strength is unavoidably compromised when tying two pieces of line together, and except for the purpose of tapered leaders or other fly fishing rigs, the small swivel is an excellent and much easier solution to deal with when adding a leader to braid. You really only need one knot in your toolbox, and at dusk or even early darkness this makes setup a lot easier. I've used this method many times and continue to with success.

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