I believe to each his own. I don't care a about race, religion, or anything else I'f your a good person your a good person. If your a dick your a dick!!!!
I'm only going to defend good anglers here. Not all bad anglers are of different ethnic origins many are English speaking Canadians. I have had bad experiences with people of all races.
Before you stereotype remember what a great man once said. "We all bleed red."
Fishing at one spot on the Grand I really like that gets way to much trash left on the shore (any trash is too much trash.) one day last year I witnessed a "Canadian" family packing up and getting ready to leave. As they walked away leaving all their garbage behind I shouted over, "You're forgetting something." The man looked around and saw nothing but his garbage and started to walk away again. I shouted again and he said "what am I forgetting?" I held up a trash bag from my knap-sack. He did come over and take the bag mumbling something about not having anything for his garbage. I flat out told him, "you got it here somehow!"
As for calling the MNR, if you know an area where offenses are occurring day after day call them. This year, also on the Grand at Caledonia I saw people catching and keeping bass before opener on a few occasions and called a few times including some days I wasn't even there just because I knew infractions were happening. Sure enough the CO's showed up after a couple of weeks of repeated calls. I was checked, no problem. I also saw them write up 4 people. If you think your calls are a waste of time, they aren't, the CO's told me they were there due to repeated calls. They may not respond to your call instantly but repeated calls about a certain area does get their attention.
They may not get the people you see breaking the law, but a few weeks later they may get some other law breakers and hopefully that will help get the message around.Hmmm, I never thought about repeated calls. Thanks, I think repeated calls are the best way to go, if a CO's cannot get there in a timely period.
They may not get the people you see breaking the law, but a few weeks later they may get some other law breakers and hopefully that will help get the message around.
I wasnt intentionally stereotyping as I wasn't aware of the stereotype I just thought it was in regards to anyone with white buckets. And I was generally interested in how threre day was going. I used to fish there all the time . But next time I have learned just to call MNR
Yes, it is all very very very frustrating for sure, we just don't wanna see anyone hurt.
Now, about those freshwater drum I've been fighting all night....![]()
BRAVO!! RUSTY!! I'm with you on that all the way!
This Post has turned into a "Lecture Series" on what's the "Right OR Wrong" thing to do as far as other "Ethnic Groups" are concerned and the "Right OR Wrong" of how Rusty handled it. I'm not about to do that.
"Political Correctness" has turned into a One Way Street! Personally I'm Fed Up with it! So are MANY other People.
This "White Bucket Brigade" is a term that's used freely on OTHER Fishing Forums and it's EXACTLY the same discussion that's going on here.
"I don't speak English. So I can do what "I" think is right. BS! If they don't speak English how did they get there Drivers Licence. When it's time to go home they all jump in there Cars and leave.
I've also had a few experiences with this stuff. I've Fished beside them. A LOT of them ARE speaking English. I've Shared some of my Baits and Hooks with them. I'm not "Fishing" there to Judge or Inspect what they MIGHT be doing wrong.
Every once and a while "Something" starts to go wrong. If it somehow involves ME they get a BIG LOUD "HEY + one or two other Explicitives!" That usually cools things off.
There are just as many "WASP's" that I have Problems with, On Shore or out in a Boat, and they KNOW they're doing something Wrong. They do it deliberately, they Defy you to do anything about it and they don't care! So. Who is the biggest Offender? Or do we conveniently slide them into two different Catagories.
There are 2 or 3 Posts on here right now about "Boating Or Fishing Etiquette".
Rusty made the call at that particular moment in time. Right OR Wrong it was his call to make. He's a grown Man. He knew the possibble consequences of his Actions. "If it was me I wouldn't have ....Etc. Etc." "You should have ...Etc. Etc.
Call the MNR? Good Luck! They have to catch them in the process. As has been said in here it would take at least a Day to even get then there.
WE see that (Time Factor) as a Problem. Why don't they? Overworked? Maybe. How about .......
WE know where the Locations are that this happens at on a Regular Basis.
The MNR doesn't? Why don't the MNR "Police" keep an eye on them, or "Drop By" every once and a while?
Fine everyone they can. Do you think that they might get the message? YES!
Otherwise it's going to keep happening, Now and in the Future!
Done. Fire Away if you feel the NEED to do so.
I suppose I'm too late for that by nowThink I'll roll a fatty along with Dugger...![]()
There are numerous issues you've touched on here--each, to my mind, it seems, requiring nothing short of a missive (which I am well capable of providing you with--others can attest to that I think) ...we live in complicated times FH. Best to relish the good times on the water...they are far too few...![]()
Again with this topic. I was fishing Buckhorn on the weekend. I had a 2+LM took a couple of pics and let it go. Then I hooked a small LM, it was maybe 8 inches. When I got it to the boat blood was running all down the side of the little guy. I was upset that this guy got gill hooked, they had not been biting hard all morning or the day before. You know according to the regs if you think it's gonna die you have to keep it. Reluctantly I put it on the stringer and let the other guys I was with know that it was gill hooked.
While we were taking the boat out of the water the launch was filled with boaters waiting to go in. Several of them saw our stringer and commented that our fish were too small. They did not know my bass was a goner and I did not take a pic of it with all the blood on it's side and dripping off it's fins. It was in the water with the stringer and all the blood washed off. The poor little guy had died while we were heading back to the launch but no one would know that. Most of those people thought we were just catching and keeping what ever was biting irregardless of size. It could have gotten ugly but how could I then prove that it was going to die anyways? Would anyone have even believed me, probably not.