Why do Geese cross the road ?

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OMG... you guys are making me use this picture again!!

If they charge at you... you should self defend by... no other than...


MikeyMikey said:
OMG... you guys are making me use this picture again!!

If they charge at you... you should self defend by... no other than...



seeing the 18 wheeler own those geese wasn't enough huh? d=
MikeyMikey said:
OMG... you guys are making me use this picture again!!

If they charge at you... you should self defend by... no other than...



haha very nice! :)
Lmoa, I can only imagine the protection you would have fishing with MikeyMikey, "Watch out their coming right for you"! "SMACK SMACK, BANG BANG!
Lmao, sounds like someone had a tramatizing experience once with the big bad geeze,lol.
this geese are sometime annoying.when we put some time worm in water they try to eat it.Man that day at BluffersPark i hooked geese instead of fish.Had to break my line.
idesign said:
this geese are sometime annoying.when we put some time worm in water they try to eat it.Man that day at BluffersPark i hooked geese instead of fish.Had to break my line.

yeah, i have to agree. i've hooked geese many times and it's really annoying when you're afraid to cast to catch geese lol

Hey Josh!


Look. A goose with 6 babies!

*duh duh*

Oh yeah.. Look at that.

*duh duh*

Hey.. What is that?

*duh duh*


Well.. At least we know there are musky in the Ottawa River.
HyperFox said:

Hey Josh!


Look. A goose with 6 babies!

*duh duh*

Oh yeah.. Look at that.

*duh duh*

Hey.. What is that?

*duh duh*


Well.. At least we know there are musky in the Ottawa River.

if that was to ever happen when i go fishing, that would be so cool lol. mmm.. survival of the fittest
They are everywhere on this base. Same with deer and foxes and the like. See around here, there is no trapping or hunting allowed on base lands (about 120sq km or more) so the population explodes each year!

Back to geese tho. My favorite fishing spots happen to be on the edge of a golf course. And the geese love it there. I hate stepping in goose ****!

I gotta get me one of them bats.
HyperFox said:
They are everywhere on this base. Same with deer and foxes and the like. See around here, there is no trapping or hunting allowed on base lands (about 120sq km or more) so the population explodes each year!

Back to geese tho. My favorite fishing spots happen to be on the edge of a golf course. And the geese love it there. I hate stepping in goose ****!

I gotta get me one of them bats.

lol definitely. its hard to avoid the goose feces where they're most abundant in numbers. i don't really mind when its dried up, but when its fresh and you really want to enjoy fishing without stepping on it, ....
Lol, their storie of these Geese baby being consumed by a musky reminds me one time back north with my grandpa. I remeber sitting on the dock and he was showing me a bunch of baby loon's I thought their call was really cool. All of a sudden you see the mother Loon freaking out and going crazy circling her baby's. Next a splash so big you'd swear a crocadile hit them, and two babys were gone, then one poped up but the other was not as lucky. It was said because loons are cool, but at the same time amazing to think a fish was so vicous it would hit a school of baby's without anything more than a couple circles around them. Needless to say I did not do any fishing for the rest of that vacation, lol instead I tried my best to hook onto a musky but only got bass, and the odd walleye. Good times
Yup, its the natural order of things, I wish the musky were more considerate of the over population of $h$^ hawks, or sea gulls as u might refer to them. Their are way to many of them and I would love to get rid of a couple hundred thousand. I remeber as kids getting denture cleaning tablets, they look like tums. And throwing them to the gulls at the sandbanks provincial park, the beach would be packed and the bird would eat them up. Only one problem, seagulls cant burp or fart, so you would see them fly off, the start getting bigger and bigger and bigger them BOOOM!!!!!!!!! feathers and guts everywere,lol I know its terrible but i was a kid and didnt know any better. But it was hilarious to see people look around like someone shot them out of the sky with a shotgun ,lol they would be coverd in crap and everything else, lol.
The things we did, and got away with as kids,lol
Wow this story reminds me of another from a few years back. I was on the road with my brother heading north on Keele st. and from a distance we could see a bunch of yellow things trying to cross the road. There were no cars behind us so my brother slowed down then stopped to face a family of ducks. In our lane was an adult duck and to the center of the road were a bunch of ducklings and on the right lane off the road was another adult duck. With cars going on the right lane the duck infront of our car was pacing left and right worried for the babies and worried for it's other. Finally a car stop like us in the right lane and the duck quick caught up with it's other and the ducklings.. then we drove off.. so touching I thought at the moment.. now that I'm rethinking, what happen to them for the opposite traffic????
McLean said:
Yup, its the natural order of things, I wish the musky were more considerate of the over population of $h$^ hawks, or sea gulls as u might refer to them. Their are way to many of them and I would love to get rid of a couple hundred thousand. I remeber as kids getting denture cleaning tablets, they look like tums. And throwing them to the gulls at the sandbanks provincial park, the beach would be packed and the bird would eat them up. Only one problem, seagulls cant burp or fart, so you would see them fly off, the start getting bigger and bigger and bigger them BOOOM!!!!!!!!! feathers and guts everywere,lol I know its terrible but i was a kid and didnt know any better. But it was hilarious to see people look around like someone shot them out of the sky with a shotgun ,lol they would be coverd in crap and everything else, lol.
The things we did, and got away with as kids,lol

Oh the things we did as kids. I remember grabbing a box of fries from McD's and soaking it in ex lax, then leaving the box open next to a new car dealership. When the sh!thawks found it.. Ohhh what a mess.
LMFAO,lol omg i was suspended once in public school for spiking the teachers coffee with exlacs,lol. Someone ratted on me, but we didnt have him all day,lol..
Was so worth it,lol that stuff works fast,lol.