Why was sandy hook topic locked

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all these society altering events were staged so that the people's liberties can be slowly eroded until the NWO takes control of the paranoid masses for economic gain and domination of a worldly empire inherited from America's sphere of influence.

or something to that effect.

people are retarded.
fishhawk_ii said:
all these society altering events were staged so that the people's liberties can be slowly eroded until the NWO takes control of the paranoid masses for economic gain and domination of a worldly empire inherited from America's sphere of influence.

or something to that effect.

people are retarded.

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

Arthur Schopenhauer.
My intention of submitting the Sandy Cook massacre video was to influence others to not be too quick to just believe what the media tells us these days. I had CNN station for 10 years as my only main news feed for the day. Then I recently subscribe to MSNBC, Fox news ,CNNinternational , BBC, after comparing all the different news channel, I realized how Biased CNN (pro democrats)or FOX NEWS (Pro republicans) could be. You tube has other uncensored worthy reports that we should also consider IMO, By comparing opinions express from different station or media, we can then have a better understanding and make better judgement on what to believe.

I just pondered on this video, a speech made by Ex-President John F. Kennedy, he was very aware of the agenda of this Secret Society wanting to control guns and control people's freedom to prevent people from potentially fighting back when being oppress. Both Kennedy's oppose and were ready to stop the Vietnam war. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JdrhJKfNq0 .

I always opposes violence on unnecessary usage of guns by some people, However, after going through these series of videos, my eyes were further opened to the truth, I learned to also respect others point of view of wanting to protect themselves when needed. The same US government who wanted to control high powered rifle had actually lost 3 trillion dollars on the unnecessary Iraq war(this country did not have Weapons of mass destruction). 4400 US soldiers died, another 20,000 disabled and have long term health repercussion . Then more than 100,000 Iraqi died as well.
What has this Sandy Cook massacre incident, or the NWO(NEW WORLD ORDER) got to do with all of us in the future? ........OUR FREEDOM!
Is it our human rights to be fully aware of the main agenda behind a new proposed government law before supporting its cause?

How to change our way of thinking and not be side swiped by the media. Watch this video that speaks of our society losing it important life's values, since today's generation gets too preoccupied wanting to only buy, then throw away after the fad is gone, then buy again. I do not always agree with many Conspiracy theories, but this guy had spoken with some word of wisdom. Some people think he can be a wacko, but I like this particular video, reminds me of my younger years when life was way simpler then with less materialistic things, I stared to fish with only mono wrapped around a foot long piece to twigs and some worms. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSmgL43sSWY

What else has desensitized us from other important issues in life? Our entertainment TV and Movie industry has been creating a lifestyle that many hope to emulate We have to understand the big picture to fully be aware of what is influencing our thinking especially what our younger children are being fed. This "Truth will scare you video is also tide up with NWO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t16_1oD6E8o

There are more stories and clues to what happens to celebrities that wanted to get out of the industry. Celebrities such as MIchael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Randy Quaid, etc... They were very concern about their lives before they died. Based on what we were fed by the media, I originally assumed these high and mighty celebrities have too much money , eventually killed themselves from their moral-less lifestyle. Until you hear them express their concern. Watch Dave Chappelle opinion who tries to get out of being controlled

We want to protect and give our children the best, right? How about avoiding disney products? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhmFkUOnhOc
I have stayed out of this so far, but.
In 1975 I was 15 and Michael Slobodian brought 2 guns to school with him at Brampton Centennial High. Sorry my memory fades a bit but I believe he killed 3 and wounded 13, including my friend Greg who was looking forward to an NHL career. Greg was shot in the elbow and never played competitive hockey again. His elbow was destroyed.I attended Centennials arch rival J.A.Turner. I remember going there for a football game in 1976 and seeing bloodstains on the ceiling tiles in the mens washroom. These things happen, there are sick people out there. Sorry.
Hoax or not, this shitte does happen :sad: I have seen the blood.
I can shed a little light though. My friend Greg did land a good job with Chrysler and makes good, but not NHL money.
