Canadian River Angler
What a awesome day! Minus dropping my iPhone in the Grand
but she still works!
Biggest catch of the day while out for Pickerel (witch I caught but could not take not regulation size) a 12 pound Large Mouth Bass! He had a piece of him missing from a fight or god knows what. But a beautiful fish.
The Pickerel was pretty nice. Due to my poor hook set his bottom lip got ripped apart, I felt pretty bad. But a really nice fish. He was about 12 to 14 inches when i needed 19.7 to take him! Bah was pretty angry about it.
But all in all a darn good day!

Biggest catch of the day while out for Pickerel (witch I caught but could not take not regulation size) a 12 pound Large Mouth Bass! He had a piece of him missing from a fight or god knows what. But a beautiful fish.
The Pickerel was pretty nice. Due to my poor hook set his bottom lip got ripped apart, I felt pretty bad. But a really nice fish. He was about 12 to 14 inches when i needed 19.7 to take him! Bah was pretty angry about it.
But all in all a darn good day!