Wilkes Dam

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^^ yet u walked all the up right by the dam to take your pics?

I always knew we had lurkers in here but I never thought that we had so many loogans as members...
so then i thought, theres really no-one to stop these kind of people.

the grand river has so many fish in it you can fish all year for something, and we all know we catch fish that are not in saeson.
i dont think any ranger would mind seeing a person take a picture of any fish. even out of season, as long as it went back in alive...

I don't appreciate you coming in here and and calling me a "Poacher" when clearly I'm not. Don't tell me if you where fishing for something that is in season and you caught something that was out of season but the size of it was so great that you would not take a picture? cause you would period. And another thing I was not in the conservation area. I was in a public area there for no signs where seen, and if the GRCA or the MNR was so hung up on no fishing there signs would be placed there clearly stating "NO FISHING". And it would be checked regularly by the GRCA or MNR and for the dozen people that were there I'm sure they would have known that you cannot fish that area.

So all in all if you don't have anything nice to say towards me or anyone on these great forums then don't say anything at all.

I think calling you a "poacher" may have been a little harsh; like calling a person with a "moving violation "a criminal. Although yes Rules may have been broken, the definition of a poacher is one who illegally takes fish/wildlife, which you have stated you did not do.
But I do agree with your statement "if you dont have anything nice to say...: thus my edition of this post and the ridiculous post made by 420Fisher earlier.
Thanks Briguy,

We where at least 100ft or just over 75ft from the dam casting down stream. And i got a Conservation license. I usually don't take fish just catch and release. But I love Pickerel. Anyways we are good??

That picture shows you standing right beside the dam, not 100 ft downstream. just own up to your mistakes.
This board is all about enjoying the resource,exploring it,preserving it and education.

Sometimes people make mistakes, but we are all about correcting it and hopefully not making them again in the future.

Lets move forward on this and please be careful in "Flaming" one another.

Tight Lines
I think most of the no fishing by dam laws are made to protect fish that are running from the lake to spawn, and in most cases there is a sign by the dam that will say so, like the Saugeen. 9/10 times if there is no sign you should be ok.

And guys there is no need to make massive quotes when replying, we will know what you are talking about.

And Licensetopin why are you always picking fights?
Nice fish Eric.

i'm sure your post was helpful to some, but it's going nowhere.
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