Winter Time Fishing Approachs For The GTA Pike

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Jan 21, 2009
Hey Guys, Just wanted to give a little heads up for those of you sitting around bored in the GTA. For those that knew me I was really into the fishing scene up in Toronto. Pike fishing was my main thing, especially in and around the GTA. The pike are out there RIGHT NOW! If you can find open water, more than likely you can find the pike. One of my favorite pike traditions use to be going down to Ontario Place with my float boat on Christmas day and pull up pike after pike.
Great structure and flats just off some deep water holes in and around the OP (Ontario Place) area. These are the areas you're going to have to seek out if you want to find 'em. Pike come in to stage through out the winter and stage in the deeper holes adjacent to the flats that they'll spawn in come spring time. If you get a warmer day they'll come up onto these flats to feed. Luckily for you guys there are quite a few of these spots in and around Toronto. Most are reachable from shore. OP is one of these areas.





(Don't worry, That was all my blood! Cut my finger trying to get the hook out)

I used to walk the shore line alot during the winter, when l wasn't in the water :D , and have found a lot of areas where pike will hang out. A lot of fishing in-between ice sheets and dragging bottom in any water that wasn't frozen. In doing this l discovered a lot of spots where they will regularly feed and hang out. It was just a matter of getting my baits right in front of them and slowing down the presentaion. The fish are slow this time of year and really won't chase your baits around like in the summer time so modifying what you use and how you use it will greatly increase you hook up rates. Rapala DT's, Rattle'n'rapp's, Croc spoons, X-rapp's, Huskie Jerks and in line spinners will all produce but you're just going to have to play with all of them and SLOW DOWN your retreives! So get out there and do some leg work, you will be pleasently suprised!

Good Luck and remeber to treat the fishery with respect!
Excellent Informations for us GTA people.

By the way, I thought ONtario Place area are off limit ?
Arn't your legs ice cubes? Ane nice pike some monsters down there.
wealth of knowledge we have here folks...
i agree about ontario place being off limits now and you will be asked to leave by security.

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