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  1. D

    General Salmon and trout fishing questions for beginners

    Re: Are there trout in the Credit river? Hello guys, I wonder if it is allowed to follow the salmon through their migration in the credit river to fish them. What about about fishing at the Norval Dam as Rapa Boy mentioned if that's where they heading to? thanks Dodo
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    Smallmouth bass good techniques for you!!

    Hello, Although I appreciate Reelingit.... post, I must admit with rcflores, that nothing beats worms and leeches. I've never been able to catch anything with "plastic". May be I am just not good enough but it does not work for me. Dodo
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    Port Credit: Salmon “pier” fishing tips for noobs

    Hello everybody, excellent post from Openfire and all the contributors. It answers most of the questions I was about to ask. It still have a few open questions though! The post only covered fishing from the shore line and I hope some of the regular or new contributors who also fish from small...
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    2009-2010 Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish

    Ooops!! did not see those ones. What do you suggest? Should I delete the post? Thank you anyway Joel. Dodo
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    2009-2010 Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish

    Hello, As I know that just like me, there are many people out there who fish for the fun of fishing but also for the taste of the fish in their mouth, this guide ( from the ministry of environment might be interesting to take a look at. While...
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    Night Drifting for Salmon and Steelhead

    Rapa. Boy, for a 17 year old (If I read it right in one of your previous post) you have lots of fishing experience! And the best part of it is that you are willing to share; the same appreciation goes to Openfire and Frozenfire. I've never fished for Salmon or steelhead before, and to tell you...
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    Salmon / Steelhead Hotspots

    Thank you very much Rapala Boy, for updating your list with coordinates, that can be easily followed on Google Map. I know some people won't like it but we are all just looking for a li'l bit of fun with the kids. There will still be enough fish for others. Thanks again it is appreciated Dodo
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    more toronto islands bass pics

    Thanks Myke, I'll give it a try Dodo
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    Salmon Run ALOT of large 30lb+ ones

    Hello Pegasus, I am new in the city. May I ask what the Ganny is? Is it the Ganaraska River? (do not wonder, I just made an association with the name Ganaraska from the other post...Lol); if yes can you please tell me how to get there from Brampton, I would really appreciate it. cheers Dodo
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    more toronto islands bass pics

    Really nice pics guys, I am new to Toronto and I hope there is nothing wrong with asking you guys how to get to the islands where you caught your beautiful fish. cheers Dodo
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    Salmon / Steelhead Hotspots

    Hello, don't we say a dumb question is the one you don't ask? I am new to fishing here in southern Ontario and would love to visit the spots mentioned but I have no clue on the location and even Google could not give a precise hit. Can someone please add a Google-map link next to the locations...