Salmon Run ALOT of large 30lb+ ones

Ontario Fishing Forums

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Sep 3, 2009
:) The Salmon are stacked in the Ganny all the way up to the ladder already. Has been a long time since i've seen them this thick, with ALOT of large 30lb+ ones!!
I've been reading a lot of threads about Salmon fishing. I've never tried and I have mostly bass lures & gear.

Can bass reel & rod combo fit for this type of fishing?

I run a 15lb test, braided, and have a spinner reel/two-piece rod and a bait casting/one piece combo.
I would think that the 15 LB braid would be OK. Why not give it a try!

BTW, I used my bass gear for salmon the first few times I tried it. It was a shock to feel a salmon on my set-up... I'll never forget the adrenaline rush I had. :)

Anyway, try it out, get a feel for the power of fresh salmon, then you can decide from there what upgrades you feel are necessary if any.
openfire said:
Anyway, try it out, get a feel for the power of fresh salmon, then you can decide from there what upgrades you feel are necessary if any.

I agree. Give it a shot. Imagine the rush you'll get when that 30 lbs salmon snaps your rod in half 8) Then you get a bigger/better rod :)
Hello Pegasus,
I am new in the city. May I ask what the Ganny is? Is it the Ganaraska River? (do not wonder, I just made an association with the name Ganaraska from the other post...Lol); if yes can you please tell me how to get there from Brampton, I would really appreciate it.

