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  1. Trev

    Best spinning rod under $150

    The Fenwick HMX is a good rod for the money and is a little stiffer than the HMG. It has good sensitivity and some backbone. Looks good and the price is right at around $100.
  2. Trev

    Frustrated....need help

    Your ability to fish hasn't changed. Just keep at it and you will start catching again. Like you said, salmon will be in close soon and all your time casting will pay off big time. Keep casting.
  3. Trev

    Blue fox Strobe teardrop spoons

    If memory serves me, these spoons come with a treble attached, but a siwash hook is also supplied,
  4. Trev

    Blue fox Strobe teardrop spoons

    They're a good spoon for the price. I've had some good days with them.
  5. Trev

    Baitcaster Birdsnests

    Like was said, your spool is over-running. I think it's a set of magnets that need to be adjusted to prevent that. Once a baitcaster is set up properly, they are much easier to learn and fish with. Good luck.
  6. Trev

    Trip to Kuujjuaq Quebec

  7. Trev

    Duncan lake

    Which district are you going to? That site lists 5 Duncan Lakes in Ontario.
  8. Trev

    Where To Fish In Caledon, Ontario?

    Get yourself a copy of the Backwoods Map book, or equivalent. They're excellent for helping locate new spots.
  9. Trev

    The Natural! Fishing Report

    Good show. That's a great way to spend the day.
  10. Trev

    Youtube pet bass....

    That's pretty cool. That one at the 2:18 mark is a good fish.
  11. Trev

    Choosing a new CP

    Not all of us can afford expensive gear, so when something like the Shift comes on sale I jump at it. I don't think insulting people for their choice is very smart.
  12. Trev

    Getting ready for bows

    Nice. Here is the west the river closest to me is still pretty muddy and one fellow I was talking to yesterday said he's already catching drop-backs.
  13. Trev

    Tips on spring steel

    The redds are the spawning beds.
  14. Trev

    Bucket List Trip

    You could swing by the mighty Nipigon river and try to beat the world record Brook trout.
  15. Trev

    So What Do You Do For A Living???

    I'm the phone guy, or at least one of them.
  16. Trev

    New to the forum but been fishing for ever

    Welcome aboard.
  17. Trev

    Wading Boots Wanted

    The CT I saw them at was Burlington, Fairview and Gulph line. They had about half a dozen pairs and mostly 9,10,11. Might be worth giving them a call.
  18. Trev

    Wading Boots Wanted

    I wonder if they would ship them to the store nearest to you?
  19. Trev

    Wading Boots Wanted

    CT has Hodgeson wading boots on clearance for $30.
  20. Trev

    Simcoe Perch

    Very nice. And some great memories, too.