Getting ready for bows

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222 Diver

Feb 27, 2017
Getting ready for bows. Just put ice gear away and pulling out float rod. New line on and got fresh leader. Just need to get time to go out.
Hope water is cleared up when I go out.
Nice. Here is the west the river closest to me is still pretty muddy and one fellow I was talking to yesterday said he's already catching drop-backs.
Trev said:
Nice. Here is the west the river closest to me is still pretty muddy and one fellow I was talking to yesterday said he's already catching drop-backs.
That sounds pretty reasonable. We've had some great water levels and good temps too. My favourite Erie trib is down to 0.5 m/s3 every summer, but it's had sustained flows of >10m/s3, up to over 20 m/s3 for a good month now. It's nice to see considering I'm fairly certain it gets hit hard by poachers, even though it's a fish sanctuary outside of trout season. The high and somewhat dirty flows make it good and hard for the poachers to access :mrgreen:
I wanted to get out and smash chrome bullets but no time. East and west tribs where nice awhile back I heard but a ton of people makes i hard to be enjoyable. I will be trying with worms soon as warm weather will wake up the nightcrawlings
Fish on !!
Matt Rickles said:
I wanted to get out and smash chrome bullets but no time. East and west tribs where nice awhile back I heard but a ton of people makes i hard to be enjoyable. I will be trying with worms soon as warm weather will wake up the nightcrawlings
Fish on !!
Using nightcrawlers might get you more suckers than steelhead
A few suckers here and there are great fun !! Chromers slam worms, thats why pink worms work don't they??
I feel for roe is maybe bad because of the killing fish and like i stated in another post it may cause more harm if you use plastic lures and baits. Worms are harmless !!! Ha ha ! Its great for fish and me !! Thanks for the warning though ibstacle
Fish on !!
fishfreek said:
You can still harvest without killing, what's wrong with you guys?
If you are referring to squeezing eggs out of the fish. is a terrible practice i feel. The fish can easily be killed.
When a females eggs are loose and she's ready to do her thing trust me you don't need to squeeze the life out of her to grab a few eggs.
fishfreek said:
When a females eggs are loose and she's ready to do her thing trust me you don't need to squeeze the life out of her to grab a few eggs.
Correct you are. Numerous times I've seen people lift hens out of the water and roe start pouring out like a tap has been turned on.
Guys yelling over , if your not keeping her get it back in the water.
tossing iron said:
Correct you are. Numerous times I've seen people lift hens out of the water and roe start pouring out like a tap has been turned on.
Guys yelling over , if your not keeping her get it back in the water.

Yes....but really....does all roe you see people using on the river come from a few loose fish..
tossing iron said:
YES All roe comes from hens.
Sorry...mmaybe you didn't understand what I meant so I will try to be more clear...some people harvest eggs from loose hens when they're coming out but I have seen plenty of guys squeezing some not so loose hens only to kill them and most right out bonk the hens.
Understand what im sayin'' pal?
Matt Rickles said:
Sorry...mmaybe you didn't understand what I meant so I will try to be more clear...some people harvest eggs from loose hens when they're coming out but I have seen plenty of guys squeezing some not so loose hens only to kill them and most right out bonk the hens.
Understand what im sayin'' pal?
Rather see a fish get bonked gutted and brought home than get fought for twenty minutes, man handled for a photo op and put back to find it dead on the bank the next day. And if worms are harmless call the ministry and ask why you cant dump them within 30 meters of any water body