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  1. ray6591

    Fishing buddy wanted?

    Moved to PM....
  2. ray6591

    Salmon Run and Hydrometric data maps

    Thanks CDNChrome that was what I was looking for.... Appreciate it. Good luck with your fishing.
  3. ray6591

    Salmon Run and Hydrometric data maps

    Thank you both... and WpD I know the water office but not sure where i was able to access it am sure it was part of the post on this forum where it was posted to help newbies...
  4. ray6591

    Salmon Run and Hydrometric data maps

    I am mistaken or was there a link to a site where you can look at the movement or forecast of salmon run in the past... I searched everywhere and could not find it...I think I remember it was at the end of the guide for newbies... If anyone knows would appreciate it if you can post the link...
  5. ray6591

    Fish or not to fish

    A friend of mine always tells me you have to do the time to get the when he catches and I don't this is what i hear from him - when I started getting hooked to this awesome hobby. What else takes you out doors gets to enjoy a fight and then release them without harm to live another...
  6. ray6591

    A joke

    Bill Gates Dies In A Car Accident. He finds himself in purgatory, being sized up by St. Peter. 'Well, Bill, I'm really confused on this call; I'm not sure whether to send you to Heaven or Hell. After all, you enormously helped society by putting a computer in almost every home in America, yet...
  7. ray6591

    A joke

    Parachutes A plane was about to crash with 5 people on board and only 4 parachutes. The first person said, ' I'm Roy Keane, one of the best footballers in Ireland. I'm worth a lot of money and my fans need me so I think I should be saved.' The others agreed and gave him one of the parachutes and...
  8. ray6591


    Thanks to all for the wishes and Happy thanksgiving to everyone too....
  9. ray6591

    bass,sunset & moonrise

    Great looking fish and amazing pictures of the sunset and thanks for sharing....
  10. ray6591

    Port Credit day 2 Bass + Pike

    Great catch. Always thought fish will run away when the water is so dirty and have been proven wrong....
  11. ray6591

    hello, new and enjoying this website

    Welcome to site and happy reading and fishing...
  12. ray6591

    Hello from Caledon

    Welcome and I am also new fisherman started a year ago and have found these forums the greatest place to learn. Good luck....
  13. ray6591

    Giant Lake Simcoe Smallmouth - Video -

    Wow great fish and thanks for sharing the pictures...
  14. ray6591

    What are your hobbies?

    You get a better perspective in life once you meet people from many different cultures and you get to taste a variety of food....It is also amazing to see how similar we are as people even though we call things different names and think we practice things different because of our...
  15. ray6591

    What are your hobbies?

    Fishing, golf, model trains (in the winter)... gave up model aircraft a while back... love cars and the outdoors.... Travel as much as possible. Countries I have been to UK, Germany, France, Holland, Switzerland, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India, Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Russia, Dubai, Indonesia...
  16. ray6591

    What are your hobbies?

    That's amazing and creative of you..... See my PM.
  17. ray6591

    WTB Aluminum Boat with a motor and tank...

    Try they also list a lot of used boats for sale....
  18. ray6591

    fishing at mountsberg

    OMG what snake is that? is it posinous?
  19. ray6591

    New to fishing

    Welcome and enjoy reading....and fun fishing..
  20. ray6591

    Multi purpose hula popper, good day of bassin

    Bowman, That's is great to know that you can hook onto pike from the shore... Thanks for sharing... Would you mind telling what lure you used?