New to fishing

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Inglorious Bass

New Member
Jul 30, 2013

I am new to fishing and live in Aylmer, Quebec. Have my Quebec fishing license and fish mainly Lac Leamy, Ottawa River (both sides), Lac Philippe etc. Got into fishing when I spotted a rod at someone's cottage and set it up for one of the kids and they caught a sunfish. They got such a thrill that I went out a week later and got rods for myself and my 2 kids. We have had some good outings (shore fishing) and caught LM bass, perch and sunfish. I am reading a lot on here and other forums/web pages books etc. and trying out all sorts of new tactics. Still learning as I got skunked on the last 2 outings as I was probably using poor tactics for the water I was fishing in or was fishing where there weren't any fish. Our best outing was when we caught a bunch of LM bass with a top water lure, what a rush!

I have seen a few posts on here about fishing Aylmer Marina. Is fishing right off the actual marina walls any good or do the posts just refer to the general area?

Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself and say hi.
Inglorious Bass said:
Our best outing was when we caught a bunch of LM bass with a top water lure, what a rush!
It's a lot of fun, best type of bass fishing. Welcome to the board from Toronto :)
Inglorious Bass said:
Our best outing was when we caught a bunch of LM bass with a top water lure, what a rush!
A lot of people will tell you that it's the biggest thrill in fishing.

And they would be CORRECT! :D
i love top water fishing... Nothing beats fishing in pitch dark under the light of moon on a nice calm lake. Listening to the soothing sound of a jitter-bug clugging away. Then Whammo .. instant heart attack!!!