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  1. ray6591

    mouth of the credit

    Has anyone tried to get close to old ship wreck in this spot? Is it accessible from the shore.... What have you caught in the mouth area?
  2. ray6591

    Ohh the honey holes!

    Nice fish and thanks for sharing the pictures... This will encourage everyone to not give up and keep trying knowing there is fish in these places for I call it a fish buffet most of the time when they eat my bait and run...
  3. ray6591

    my first canadian fish caught. nice brown trout.

    Eric, Great looking fish and congratulations on your first in Canada and good luck for many more... On lures I am a learner so not sure and have never caught a single fish in Port Credit yet tried may be 10 times last fall.... You have made me try more at Port credit....Welcome to Canada.
  4. ray6591

    good ol'bucketmouth(LMB)

    Amazing fish... is the colour so bright because of running water is it? Fish must be hiding when they see
  5. ray6591

    So What Do You Do For A Living???

    Retired (ex-vp at Bell Canada)
  6. ray6591

    Your tactics for finicky smallmouth

    Sorry for not looking at the title more closely and ignore it is not related to SM Bass I see now.....
  7. ray6591

    Your tactics for finicky smallmouth

    Went to a lake in the Orillia area and the fish was not biting in many of the locations we found fish (LM Bass and Pike) in an earlier visit and the only thing that worked was a soft jerk bait made by Strike King – Perfect Plastic with a 4/0 weightless hook. This combo worked for a while...
  8. ray6591

    beat the heat.

    Great looking fish. Proof that even hot weather can still produce a bite
  9. ray6591

    It is better late than never....

    Thanks hamiltonangler94..
  10. ray6591

    It is better late than never....

    FishingNoob, Thanks. It is my habbit just buy something decent and it will not let you down. Hope to meet you one day so you can give me a few tips on lures etc.,
  11. ray6591

    Fishing tomorrow?

    It is July 14th however if you are still looking to try out your lures I would like to join so I can do the same and try our luck for bass. Please PM me...
  12. ray6591

    It is better late than never....

    Thanks will look up those places
  13. ray6591

    It is better late than never....

    Have been busy reading this wonderful forum for almost a year now and did just realize that I never introduced myself... So here it goes.... I am semi retired Telecom exec living in Mississauga. Moved to Canada in 1980 from the Indian Ocean island used to be known as Ceylon I wish it stayed...
  14. ray6591

    We need to clean some GTA ponds.

    Hi FishingNoob, First of all just wanted to say hi..... How come I cant send you a PM?
  15. ray6591

    How to determine the angle to mount a radar antenna...?

    why not search the radar brands website they must surely have instructions.....
  16. ray6591

    Looking for a used boat .... Legend, Lund, Lowe, Princecraft, etc

    Try and select boats there are a lot of boats for sale and you can select what year and brand.....
  17. ray6591

    We need to clean some GTA ponds.

    Believe it is the responsibility of the parents whether they work or not... We cant blame others when we deicide to bring children into this world it is our responsibility whether we work don't work have money don't have money it does not matter... I also don't think this has anything to do with...
  18. ray6591

    Fishing rules, catch and release?

    Alfie, I am also 56.... I am also trying to keep up with these and just wanted to point it out that's all.... Quote: It is proper netiquette to refrain from using all capital letters in internet correspondence. All capital letters denote shouting in internet communication. Shouting at other...
  19. ray6591

    Fishing rules, catch and release?

    THIS. Alfie. Full Caps in forums, SMS or twitter is considered shouting and it is not needed don't you think.
  20. ray6591

    Fishing rules, catch and release?

    Thanks Dozer, I know experience cannot be replaced by anything.. Do try my best don't want to give up and the issue of me getting a boat is because my wife will not venture out in the water after the Tusnami when she lost almost everyone in her family... So far shore fishing she comes along...