beat the heat.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2012
Well it.was hotter then the devils dick out there today . So i figured instead of melting in id go down to thw river to do some fishing /swimming lol . Boy was i rewarded. Day as i got acouple rock bass on my first few cast amd then i decided to switch up spots to find me a lunker or two. I fished my regular spot where i got one nice SM bass. after that i decides to walk down stream about 20 feet and helllooo jackpot was getting smally after smally nothing too big but man do they fight awesome!!! Then I felt a tugg..
image upload software my second personal best fish I didn't get a chance to wieght it cause I was fumbling with my phone and such and didn't wanna keep it out the water too long. What a day!!!!
I know i couldnt the colours looked amazing! And to believe i never fished this spot but fished right beside it prolly 100 times lol
how long did you take to land him? smallmouth bass that size fight like crazy.

even the smaller ones as you said give a hell of a fight, i forgot how fun they are until recently
The fight was great. Took me.prolly 5 mins ish . I was taking my time cuzz i did Not wanna lose him. I was out in the middle of the river but once i realize i had a nice one i had to slowly.walk him to the shore cuzz he i didnt wanma **** around trying to get him off while wading. Also i started using barbless hooks which i would recomend to EVERYONE PINCH THOSE BARBS . Quicker releases quicker getting your line back in the action . He tossed my senko but saved my o ring hahaha
Yeah I try not to horse in fish, but when you get excited its hard to think straight sometimes, sounds like a great time, thanks for the report!