Fishing rules, catch and release?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2012
Mississauga, ON
Have been reading this forum for a while now since last year and decided it is time to clarify and ask for help as I am new to fishing and am a bit confused...

Please don't take your anger on me as I am only trying to learn and be a good angler:

1. Catch and release as I understand it is for the fish population to be not abused. Then what is the catch and keep limits are there? Should it be then it should be you cant keep any isn't it.
What I have been doing... In the last two season fishing is mostly catch and release and have kept one large mouth bass as it was my trophy size. (My trophy size not knowing what you may consider a trophy size)

2. Have only found fish when I booked and gone with a guide to catch fish last year. This year even that has not helped much. Otherwise only thing I have caught this season is Sunfish from the shore.

What would you recommend if I want to fish from the shore but be able to catch Bass, Perch, Pike, Walleye? Tackle wise I think I have a very good selection however how to use them is another story.

Here is where I have tried to fish - Bridgenorth Chemong Lake, Lake Scucoug in port perry town area, Port Credit marina area.

Any help or you suggestions will be welcome and I am prepared to drive any distance if I can find good location to catch fish from the shore. Hope I did not offend anyone by writing anything.....

Hey Ray,

Here are my thoughts.

1. Limits are put in place to control the population in a way that allows it to sustain itself ( the ultimate, ideal goal ) while it gets pressured from fishermen/women ( this is how I see it ). I suppose a bunch of biologists get together with some sort of data in front of them and say " Ok, Lake X has an estimated XXXX amount of fish/biomass so if we allow a limit of 2 fish per angler the population should be able to keep up with the fishermen/woman keeping an estimated XXXX amount of fish " Years go by, population decreases, gets over fished, bang! Limits and regulations change ( hopefully ) in a way that would allow the population to bounce back.

Catch and release is a mentality. Its not a rule, the regulations are rules. Thing is, and it has played out over and over again, overfishing has ruined many lakes. If you want to keep 5 brown trout when you go fishing one day 1, you can. Then you go home and feed the family. Day 2 you go back , catch 5 more from the same spot, feed the family. By day 3 you may have taken out all the fish from a particular spot. Keep at it and there will be no brown trout for anyone. Catch and release is conservation. Some areas you can get away with fishing daily and being greedy. For instance, the gobies in Lake Ontario.

2. Shore fishing during the heat of the summer is typically slow, unless you know some good spots. A few members on the board do very well fishing the Toronto Harbourfront which has taken many seasons of going out and trying their luck. There are many rivers around the city as well. Have you thought of picking up a kayak? My friend picked up a 'yak off of Kijiji for cheap. A couple weeks ago he nearly caught 20 lake trout out of Simcoe. Guys with $30,000 boats were scratching their heads wondering how he's doing it. He has spent lots of time reading and trying out different things, he's unlocked the code.

Search through this forum, lots of hidden gems tucked away in the back pages.

Keep pluggin' away, it will all slowly fall into place :) Thats the joy of fishing.
Thanks Dozer,

I know experience cannot be replaced by anything.. Do try my best don't want to give up and the issue of me getting a boat is because my wife will not venture out in the water after the Tusnami when she lost almost everyone in her family... So far shore fishing she comes along and that is the main reason I am bound to shore.... May be one day she will be okay going in a boat then I will definitely get one. In the mean time some members on this board has been kind enough to point me to a few spots for shore fishing and I am going to give those a try. And for those of you who provided the information I am truly thankful. (you know who you are)....

Enjoy fishing and remember our children and grandchildren also would love to fish if we leave the species to survive.
Dozer said:
Hey Ray,

Here are my thoughts.

1. Limits are put in place to control the population in a way that allows it to sustain itself ( the ultimate, ideal goal ) while it gets pressured from fishermen/women ( this is how I see it ). I suppose a bunch of biologists get together with some sort of data in front of them and say " Ok, Lake X has an estimated XXXX amount of fish/biomass so if we allow a limit of 2 fish per angler the population should be able to keep up with the fishermen/woman keeping an estimated XXXX amount of fish " Years go by, population decreases, gets over fished, bang! Limits and regulations change ( hopefully ) in a way that would allow the population to bounce back.

Catch and release is a mentality. Its not a rule, the regulations are rules. Thing is, and it has played out over and over again, overfishing has ruined many lakes. If you want to keep 5 brown trout when you go fishing one day 1, you can. Then you go home and feed the family. Day 2 you go back , catch 5 more from the same spot, feed the family. By day 3 you may have taken out all the fish from a particular spot. Keep at it and there will be no brown trout for anyone. Catch and release is conservation. Some areas you can get away with fishing daily and being greedy. For instance, the gobies in Lake Ontario.

2. Shore fishing during the heat of the summer is typically slow, unless you know some good spots. A few members on the board do very well fishing the Toronto Harbourfront which has taken many seasons of going out and trying their luck. There are many rivers around the city as well. Have you thought of picking up a kayak? My friend picked up a 'yak off of Kijiji for cheap. A couple weeks ago he nearly caught 20 lake trout out of Simcoe. Guys with $30,000 boats were scratching their heads wondering how he's doing it. He has spent lots of time reading and trying out different things, he's unlocked the code.

Search through this forum, lots of hidden gems tucked away in the back pages.

Keep pluggin' away, it will all slowly fall into place :) Thats the joy of fishing.
Again you have wise words Dozer.

ray6591 said:
Enjoy fishing and remember our children and grandchildren also would love to fish if we leave the species to survive.

ray6591 said:


Full Caps in forums, SMS or twitter is considered shouting and it is not needed don't you think.
Sorry if I offended. When I said this I meant we should conserve our fish for future generations. I am 50 and don't twitter and not sure what SMS is. Full Caps has never been an issue before.

Alfie, I am also 56.... I am also trying to keep up with these and just wanted to point it out that's all....

Quote: It is proper netiquette to refrain from using all capital letters in internet correspondence. All capital letters denote shouting in internet communication. Shouting at other users is not acceptable. (Forums, Short Message Service, Twitter etc.,)
I don't think Alfi was shouting at you, just wanted to get his high level of agreement over to the other members, by using caps to show that he fully agrees. From my personal experience and I believe the experience for 99% of the other members, Alfi is a respectful member and would do no harm.

My number 1 lure for shore fishing right now is rapala's original floater, I can work it slow on the surface, rip it from weeds, practically anything... Though, it is a bugger to cast...

I am catch and release, just because I have seen too many good bodies of water become obsolete from recreational over fishing. I suggest keeping 1 or 2 fish for the table, basically enough for 1 meal and letting the rest go, no need to fill a freezer...
Well no I was not shouting at the time.
But on reflection perhaps I was in trying to say save some fish for the children so they can enjoy too.

Thank you Noob, you got me completely and you are right about me doing no harm. I still await the day I can meet up with you and toss a line. You always sound like someone I would like to spend a day on the water with.

See that Noob, you got an Alfred, that is beyond my normal Alfie. :cool: .
ray6591 said:


Full Caps in forums, SMS or twitter is considered shouting and it is not needed don't you think.
Maybe that should be reconsidered. I am not shouting at all. I am just trying to make a point strongly that we should all try and preserve some fish for future generations.
Not really sure what internet etiquette is, but caps do help me make a point. Without shouting, you would know if I was shouting, LOL.

Alfiegee said:
Well no I was not shouting at the time.
But on reflection perhaps I was in trying to say save some fish for the children so they can enjoy too.

Thank you Noob, you got me completely and you are right about me doing no harm. I still await the day I can meet up with you and toss a line. You always sound like someone I would like to spend a day on the water with.

See that Noob, you got an Alfred, that is beyond my normal Alfie. :cool: .
I went for a drive yesterday, came across some nice creeks, if you know what I mean... :cool:
Alfiegee said:
Really ??? Couldnt find a smilie for curious.

Ya, no joke. I must have crossed 6 streams, and at every bridge, I stopped the car, stuck my hand in the water, and took note of my location. Most of them felt cold. Unless, it was the same stream and I just crossed it multiple times... Hmmm...
FishingNoob said:
Ya, no joke. I must have crossed 6 streams, and at every bridge, I stopped the car, stuck my hand in the water, and took note of my location. Most of them felt cold. Unless, it was the same stream and I just crossed it multiple times... Hmmm...
Well maybe I am going to have to make my way out there in my Stealth plane and find out what you have uncovered.
Purely for research purposes you understand :D .

Alfiegee said:
Well maybe I am going to have to make my way out there in my Stealth plane and find out what you have uncovered.
Purely for research purposes you understand :D .

I should say that these streams where not in Toronto but in the "country"
I think dozer said it best about keep limits and as far as fishing from shore goes there is lots of opportunity especially if you are willing to drive so look on some maps pick a spot then research it if it seems promising try it out sometimes you get lucky sometimes you don't sometimes you have to try a particular spot a few times to figure out timing and what to use.
As well salmon season is approaching very soon there is a thread on these forums that will give you some great advice about fishing the piers for salmon.
and isn't it ironic that most people when fishing from shore are trying to get as far out as they can and most people fishing in a boat fish the shorelines especially in smaller lakes
Mr. Bassturd said:
and isn't it ironic that most people when fishing from shore are trying to get as far out as they can and most people fishing in a boat fish the shorelines especially in smaller lakes

lol check out FIshingNoobs signature
Just my $0.02. Limits are set so that natural replenishments of every species can sustain fishing pressure. Imagine if its up to every angler if he wants to keep a fish or not. As I'm seeing it right now despite the good efforts of MNR and non govt orgs to keep our fisheries improve its is moving at a slow pace maybe due to the pressure.
for me in general, if i catch a good size good eating fish. lets say that brown trout the other day.
ill keep one. fillet it or what not and into the freezer it goes.

then afterwards anything i catch, i would release, those no point for me to keep so many fish. if i cant share with friends or eat myself.
an exception maybe if i catch a salmon sometime this week.. ill prob keep one , fillet and share with the neighbors. hah
but after that, if i catch more, id probably just release it. i like the idea of trying to keep the fish numbers up, so if i go out. i dont get skunked.

so if you ever head to port credit and see a tall young chinese guy. thatd be me. lol i generally go after 6pm, as i cant wake up at 5am to do it.