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Ontario Fishing Forums

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  1. Michael Borman

    Targeting pike

    I've picked out pike on spoons, tube jigs, and plastic night crawlers. From readings pike prefer the red spoons. I was using neon green. When I caught the one a tube jig it destroyed it! Good luck!
  2. Michael Borman

    Skinny Water Fishing.....geeez

    We have a nice new creek by our place that has a good brook trout population. Haven't ventured down to it yet, my nieghbour has pulled some out. The city states that it is legal to fish it, that they request you not to so the population will grow. They've dumped a lot of money into the...
  3. Michael Borman

    Fall Bass River Fishing Tips

    Was out on the Grand this weekend, and pulled in a good size bass with a spoon. Usually use tube jigs it has been ineffective the last couple weeks. Interested in some tips on fall fishing. 1) Where do fish retreat to in the fall? 2) Preferred lures when fall fishing? 3) Does the...
  4. Michael Borman

    Abu Garcia Specialist combo - Yikes!

    Correction - the one that snapped in the middle was from it getting crushed by the garage door. It wasn't a specialist (another CT rod combo) The replacement rod, for the one where it did snap at the reel, was a specialist 2.0 I've been happy with this rod. It is the 6.6' model and is...
  5. Michael Borman


    Just getting started into fishing, and realized how much this sport costs! I've found that even fishing items go on clearance! TSC was getting out of fishing, so I loaded my box with 50%-75% tackle. Everything listed below came to about $75 ... looking back I should have got more! - 4 packs...
  6. Michael Borman


    That it horrible man. I know losing the stuff is a piss off, but what I find is the invasion of your space to be the worst. I had my car broken into at work (window smashed, all they got was my smokes). It sucked, and took me months to get the fear out that it would happen again. From that I...
  7. Michael Borman

    Abu Garcia Specialist combo - Yikes!

    I bought one of these at CT at the beginning of the summer. I am on my 3rd as the first 2 snapped. One was getting out of a snag, and the other was at the middle joint (can't remember how). I like the rod, I think the reel is junk. I'm a novice, and the $39.99 price tag was right. Down from...
  8. Michael Borman

    Port Hope Says Enough is Enough

    I agree with this, and it's a good start. If you put enough No Parking signs up, people will eventually stop parking Majority of the time in order to make it effective, the by-law needs to blitz that area. People will start spreading the word, and illegal parking will decrease. It doesn't...
  9. Michael Borman

    Fish Weight Calculator

    I've been advised that using a 'scale' is no longer the way to determine the weight of a fish, as it causes harm to the gills. Curious as to how many of you have used these formulas? Are the accurate? On-Line tool Manual Equation Walleye...
  10. Michael Borman

    Pike or Musky

    I would go with pike. Might make a good Musky bait!
  11. Michael Borman

    2015 boot..err, Salmon run pics!

    WOW ... just WOW Amazing pictures everyone ... I now understand what all the fuss is about when it comes salmon/steelhead fishing, On my 2016 bucket list!
  12. Michael Borman

    girl gets catfish stuck in her leg

    Soft core porn
  13. Michael Borman

    Best hook remover

    My question would be, are they pulling out barbed or barbless hooks? IMO looks to simple, which makes me a little skeptical,
  14. Michael Borman


    The Jerky Boys go fishing.
  15. Michael Borman

    Port Hope Says Enough is Enough

    This is pretty sad, and glad to hear that the MNR and OPP are stepping up. Issues like this aren't just isolated to fishing. People take for granted the outdoors, hell sometimes I still take it for granted. In the past couple years we've taking up camping, and becoming more outdoorsey...
  16. Michael Borman

    Proper Fish Handling + Photography

    Note to self - avoid glamour shots. As someone new to fishing, I've made my mistakes in handling fish (see my avatar). For a novice it's pretty exciting to pull in something big, soon they all start to look the same and the photo ops aren't as frequent. I've done some reading on handling...
  17. Michael Borman

    Guy asks internet to photoshop a bigger fish for his girlfriend

    What fish are we looking at?