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  1. steelhead101

    Conduct unbecoming

    every one is entitled to freedom of speech, you can say " woman are bad drivers" but you cannot say " you are a bad driver because you are a woman"
  2. steelhead101

    pin on a spinning rod

    i ment the aventa reel sorry. your rod is fine
  3. steelhead101

    Question regarding MNR regulation

    if i were to hypothetically steal something from wallmart and they saw me on the security camera could i be caught? hahaha don't be a worry wart man, the ministry doesnt give two shits about your pet cat fish !
  4. steelhead101

    pin on a spinning rod

    dude just get a second hand okuma aventa, thyre like 60 bucks and will do you well. 10ft is fine for a center pin, some people fish 8-9 foot rods for ocean run steelhead. get one and youll never look back
  5. steelhead101

    Conduct unbecoming

    ive fished with russian and asian people, but they grew up in canada and were the same person on the inside any of us else are. the part that makes my blood boil is people who just came to the country and feel that they can destroy our fishery.... thats what ticks people off the most
  6. steelhead101

    Centerpin...need help with the setup...

    having the hi vis line can be nice sometimes... btw you want your real to be almost up to the inside brim with line. reels like islanders can take 50 yards backing and two full spools of mainline. also run a swivel above your float. itl save you a headache or to, as line twist is a absolute...
  7. steelhead101

    need help identifying salmon!

    all chinook salmon. color's will very for many reasons. time in the river, genetic's, male/female etc... etc... nice fish btw!
  8. steelhead101

    Coho confusion?

    this is not a rainbow, it is a female coho salmon that is fresh in the river
  9. steelhead101

    Coho confusion?

    they're seems to be a ton of coho this year, i was at the Credit egg collection today and once you pick up a coho or 20 it becomes clear. don't go by gum color as coho, rainbow, brown's and some chinook will have white comes which confuses people. if you want to tell between a coho and chinook...
  10. steelhead101

    pinners vs fly guys

    if you feel the need to troll my every post please at least read them, obviously you dont need 100 ft of line out to fish a pool .... dont even understand your point there. what i ment was that on east tribs you see people using a fly rod and just flipping the line out and that is not fly...
  11. steelhead101


    where was dinner?
  12. steelhead101


    the sad part is most of these fish end up in the trash, people expect bright orange meet only to find mushy white dog food. the five fish limit is ridiculous though...
  13. steelhead101

    Low LOW water in a West Trib

    its unbelievable how people can totally disregard past year's salmon run's. last year was a EARLY run, this year started beginning of september(which is the normal time) and saw tones of fish at the first big rain, then a week later every one thinks the run is done. then the next rain we get...
  14. steelhead101

    Best Knot For Fluorocarbon

    snell not on a hook smaller than a 6 is way to time consuming, also with a snell you have to tie with your leader dis attached from your mainline. what i find best is i wet the line before i put the hook on, double the line through the hook wrap 6 times for top knot and 5 for hook knot, put the...
  15. steelhead101

    pinners vs fly guys

    float fishing is popular in ontario river's because it works, the rainbows here are finicky and require a instant hook set and a stealth presentation. besides where are you going to really fly fish? few spots i fish have 50 feet of room to back cast and i dont know many that do, i dont consider...
  16. steelhead101

    Leader brand?

    i like the sea guar 8 pound, its strong but the only draw back is knots tend to slip if arnt since down properly
  17. steelhead101

    East Today

    never knew they're was such thing, thought you ment shining the light at your spoon in the water which ive seen done. have a link of the spoons?
  18. steelhead101

    Subtle hookset...or just whip it?!

    set the hook so hard ive fell on my ass when i missed it... sometimes the steelies almost have let go by the time you see the float go down
  19. steelhead101


    i know you are but what am i comment.... c mon.
  20. steelhead101


    dont even cure my own eggs, just dont think its right for you guys posting pictures of some one who isnt doing anything wrong