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  1. Rain-Bow

    The Ultimate Photo Thread

    Probably the biggest steelhead I've caught this fall. It measured just over 33 inches a few more :cool:
  2. Rain-Bow

    Over the limit gets a $1600 fine.

    I really doubt he was snagging, but the fine seems kind of low for keeping 32 over the limit. Only a 3 year suspension too. This guy got it easy.
  3. Rain-Bow

    The Ultimate Photo Thread

    Helps them camouflage from predators when they're in rivers.
  4. Rain-Bow

    My first steelhead (finally)

    Nice. Looks like he could be a fall spawner.
  5. Rain-Bow

    FYI on C&R

    Well the article is sort of biased. There's no link to the study or details on what really determined the faith of the fish; just "fly fishing is the best". Steelhead have been known to get caught several times and still survive. Just gotta keep them in the water as much as possible (and not...
  6. Rain-Bow

    What do you think east fishing will be like this weekend?

    I'd imagine they would tend to shy away from a lure that size (J-13). Works great on large salmon though.
  7. Rain-Bow

    You have $500 to your favourite fishing tackle store. What do you spend it on?

    I'd spend most of it on expensive fluorocarbon and replacement hooks for lures.
  8. Rain-Bow

    Downtown Toronto Steelhead

    Plenty of browns downtown. A lot of them go back to wherever it was that they were stocked, which is often not a tributary.
  9. Rain-Bow

    Question about sanctuaries

    lol no need to fish in trout sanctuaries. This recent notion that there aren't fish in the open sections just isn't true.
  10. Rain-Bow

    Fish ID
  11. Rain-Bow

    Beads etc

    edit: wrong thread...
  12. Rain-Bow

    Question about sanctuaries

    Casting into a sanctuary is definitely illegal. I once saw a couple guys get busted for this out east by the MNR.
  13. Rain-Bow

    Fish ID

    on the bottom is a pure pink salmon from Sault Ste Marie. the spots on the back of bski's fish look like chinny spots yet it's not an actual chinny. I can't imagine what it could be other than a hybrid of some sort.
  14. Rain-Bow

    What do you think east fishing will be like this weekend?

    It's pretty hard to get skunked this time of year, but if you're patient there's always the chance to fish for fresh ones.
  15. Rain-Bow

    Fish ID

    Looks to me like a hybrid cross between pink and chinook.
  16. Rain-Bow

    steel or resi ?

    Looks like a steel to me.
  17. Rain-Bow

    The Ultimate Photo Thread

    4 minutes apart? very interesting...
  18. Rain-Bow

    Great people on the river

    If you close your eyes and meditate, you will feel the positive energy of those double digit chromers