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  1. Porter86

    toronto islands 35 inch pike

    ohhhh WOW, thats crazy!! I never would've thought that to be a swan
  2. Porter86

    belly boat

    I havent yet, but that is something I want to aim at getting either this year or next year. Would be a lot of fun I think. I've seen some u boats with small trolling motors on them that i've thought could be alright aside from hauling around the extra weight yeah know lol.
  3. Porter86

    Rainy River Walleye Report

    Thanks for the report!! That is a nice looking walleye!! Wish you the best of luck tonight on your outting!! :D
  4. Porter86

    Identifiication of Selected North American Freshwater Fish

    Thanks Blair!!! That will be a nice read to fully read!
  5. Porter86

    Crappie and Pike Hot Spot

    Hey Bass Hunter, thanks for the report!! :)
  6. Porter86

    fishing is banned in toronto harbour...$2000 fine

    OH WOW!! I am very sure that now he is involved their is going to be some seriously quick decisions made now. When you mess with too many people, one day it's going to be that ONE too many. Think of the impact the city of Toronto would feel if the sportsman show wasn't put on there. And...
  7. Porter86

    Tackle Porn

    hahaha...5% is good. Very nicee...that use to be my brew of choice as well until I was forced to drink bud at the county bar and well know, its all about the king of brews! haha.
  8. Porter86

    Tackle Porn

    You and me, we will be best friends!! Now what type of beer is that in your case?? lol.
  9. Porter86

    43yr old noob! Help!

    I've always been a canadian tire special type of person. This year will be the first year i buy my self a good reel, and thats going to be a large one for my peir rod. SO I am of not too much help right now but hopefully someone else will be able to. :)
  10. Porter86

    fish habitat in canada will be unprotected under new law revisions

    Thank you tangledline for post this. You truly are someone who is always up todate on this stuff and bringing it forth to us. For this you are a pretty valuable member not just for us, but the whole anglers community!! I have signed the petition. I can not believe this brutal government...
  11. Porter86

    Tackle Porn

    That reallly sucks chuckles!! and you would have a bomb shelter eh :P
  12. Porter86

    Garage Rod Wall

    That IS SUCH a better Idea than what i was thinking. Sooooo much cleaner and neater as well. I hope you don't mind but I am so going to make mine like that :D That could even work for a wall mount in my room. I havent decided if I wanted wall or ceiling yet. i am over 6' but we dont have a...
  13. Porter86

    Saturday morning fishing trip

    Hey, I wish I could join you on this outting. But I have to work now saturday :( Next time hopefully!!
  14. Porter86

    where are you from?

    No problem C!! lol. closer to the date we'll get something figured out :)
  15. Porter86

    fishing is banned in toronto harbour...$2000 fine

    All of you are doing great work on this that are envolved!! I must say I loved the MNR's reply, and how he said give us time this is the goverment after al. PRICELESS!!! haha. You guys deserve some kinda of award!!! :D
  16. Porter86

    Although I am not a Newfie, I have a Newfie brother.

    bahahahaha...those are pricless bud!! :D
  17. Porter86

    Perfect Spinnerbaits

    I am looking forward to seeing what people have to say. I don't know the differance with spinnerbaits as i ususally just use a worm or I fly fish haha. I need to learn about these things. :D:D be sure to let us know when your in production as well
  18. Porter86

    where are you from?

    You should totally join me and alfie and his buddy scott for the opener if we able to make it the grand. that would be a lot of fun!