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  1. K


    rope + half cinder block :D the only ones i use are fluke anchors
  2. K

    Oh No! to my nephew.

    that's sad to hear. i hope he gets better soon so you can take him fishing again! i remember when i needed nerve treatment when i broke a tooth back in high school; i eventually got use to all of it and didn't seem painful anymore. since he's a child, it's going to hurt nonetheless :!:. hope...
  3. K

    Boat cover

    i think it depends what the carpet is covering? if its over aluminum or some sort of metallic surface, then it wouldn't be much of a problem. but if its over a surface like wood, water tends to soak into it which ends up weakening its structure and gets soft on you. other than that, i don't...
  4. K

    Fishing Knots

    wow thats interesting.. i've never seen that happen before. usually the snap would be open if you're not aware that you didn't snap it back in place after switching lures.. then that would suck.
  5. K

    Fishing Knots

    i've started using them for the past 2 years i've been fishing. the swivel has never failed me. you have to check every few casts to see if the clip is in place.
  6. K

    How many rod and reel combos do you own?

    LOL! The first video just cracked me up! :oops:
  7. K

    So anyone going Piking this weekend?

    here's a link to the mnr website. find your zone on the map for the regulations for that region. ... 63615.html awesome -- was looking for something like this! thanks
  8. K

    Tips on Canoe fishing

    just remember not to fill up the canoe with too many things..
  9. K

    Conspiracy theories

    lol@this thread hahah
  10. K

    Will the current gas price affect your fishing?

    wow.. @450L/month.. that's insane! $.$
  11. K

    Will the current gas price affect your fishing?

    yeah.. everything is increasing.. >.< --- seems like one thing always leads to another.
  12. K

    Good Fishing jokes

    i thought this was funny..
  13. K

    Good Fishing jokes

    lol wtf!
  14. K

    Which fish you like the best to eat.

    Re: Which fisk you like the best to eat. great tip, muddy-tasting fish is no good >
  15. K

    Will the current gas price affect your fishing?

    i'll still be going fishing at the same rate, but i won't be going vast distances though.
  16. K


    wth.. that's just wrong... i can't believe any person would do such a thing.. especially to a senior! :oops:
  17. K

    unOfficial prize on the month !!

    i want one.. looks useful in some ways
  18. K

    (*@#&%)(@*#@) GAS PRICE !!!

    that's nice to hear.. lol
  19. K

    Walleye Season Opeaner Spots -Suggestions Please

    can i pm you too?? hahahah exams are done by then! :oops: