Will the current gas price affect your fishing?

Ontario Fishing Forums

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With higher gas prices you will be inclined to go fishing less, or less of a distance?

  • No, I dont have a car.

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • No, I have been paying this price out and am used to it.

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • Yes, but Ive had to buy a more fuel efficient car.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, I wont be fishing as much as an effort to save gas.

    Votes: 12 54.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2008
Quinte West, Ontario, Canada
As a man of budget and not by choice, I mind a watchful eye on the gas price as its probably the most volitile price out there. Its one of the few products that has a price which will change daily.

The trend so far has been of gradual increase. 5 years ago, the Canadian Average gas price was just over 66.9c/l. (Cents per litre), the Ontario average only slightly lower and the US average just over 39.0c/l.

Today the Canadian average is Just under 127.0c/l, the Ontario average is 121.0c/l and the US average is just 99.0c/l.

So if your Canadian youve had a 53% increase in gas price over a 5 year span, if your American, its gone up 256%.

(All information cited from: http://www.ontariogasprices.com/retail_price_chart.aspx)

This brings on panic in tourisim. People will be less inclined to travel as the price goes up. Filling a 100 litre tank now will cost you $121 as opposed to $66.90 of 5 years ago. Not to mention other prices for just about everything will go up to recover the cost, how much is unknown.

As we fish, we tend to wander distances for these fishing spots. Do you think in light of higher gas prices you will be inclined to go fishing less, or less of a distance?
you can guess with the increase in gas prices comes the increase in everything else =(
shopping at the supermarket for one i think is going to impact us all
i hear plane tickets are gonna go up by quite a bit as well
Yes it is going to limit where I fish this year. Although, having Mikey in the boat to paddle will put an ease on the wallet for sure..."Stroke Mikey Stroke!"...... :oops:
It will definitly impact where I go fishing as we already use up more then 450L/month for work/shopping/outings.

I'm thinking of cutting my fishing trips by 25%.
HyperFox said:
Uhm... I really hope you meant to say 450 km a month.. lol

Nope thats 450L/month. I drive 120kms/day wife does 60kms/day + whatever on the weekend usually another 100-200kms.
HyperFox said:
So in between the two of you you guys spend $540 or more in fuel?! Holy snap! I feel sorry for you!

$540 is good thats without my summer car, and after 05 we downsized one car to a 4cyl!No way in Hell I'm I downsizing my Jeep tho:) I'll go to Iraq and sort sh*t out myself before I do that......j/k;)
This is going to have a big effect on the fishing industry,especially all those hungry 2 stroke motors out there, and getting to the spot.