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  1. J

    Do Steelhead really notice Flies?

    Take a stream sample to find out what is in the water you are fishing. Match what you see then make sure you are getting the fly down into the strike zone. If you are not losing some flies you are not fishing deep enough. tightlines
  2. J

    Crappies on the fly?!

    I constantly catch crappie and bluegills on flies. I fish ponds and use small woolys or scuds under a strike indicator. It helps if there is a bit of chop on the water to put action into the fly. tightlines
  3. J

    reel capacity

    I use my 6wt for bass here and for trout in New Zealand, 50 yards is good, I have never been spooled. Tightlines
  4. J

    hardy ultralite 800dd

    Great reel for the money. I have mine on my 7wt switch rod and have taken several steelies with it last fall. Enjoy. tightlines
  5. J

    a few questions

    Distance is accomplished by proper casting technique, I suggest you contact your local fly shop and test some rods,maybe take some casting instruction. Tell them what you want to fish for. They will guide you in the right direction. tightlines
  6. J

    small swivel?

    I have a freind that has the same problem. He ties a surgeons loop at the leader end and one at the tippet end and uses a loop to loop connection. Maybe this might help. tightlines
  7. J

    essential flies

    Stones, haresear,hexnymph,buggers,
  8. J

    fly etiquette

    Over the years I have gave flies to other fisherman and don't expect anything in return. I have provided flies to Spin fisherman,float fisherman and flyfisherman.
  9. J

    fishing bucket list

    bucket list, I have been fortunate to fish some of those places you mentioned, New Zealand, Scotland, B.C.,N,W,T and so on. Beleive me they are awesome venues to visit and fish but I still put my home waters at the top of the list. We have some of the best fishing in the world here in Ontario...
  10. J

    Favourite winter steelhead flies

    In my opinion, any fly, woolies, intruders, stones etc. work well as long as they are presented to meet the conditions. In cold water fish become lethargic and fishing presentation becomes slower. tightlines
  11. J

    Nine Mile and Lake Nipigon

    Welcome, I have fished for coasters several years back during the Spring. I fished with a retired MNR officer who was stationed in the area in the 70's. We camped on an island and fished the shorline stream mouths. We had great success with smelt patterns. It was great and I hope to get back...
  12. J

    Need Advice on Fly Selection.

    Having a good fly selection is indeed a necessity and the advice you have received is all good. As you are new to the sport I would consider taking some casting instruction. You can have all the flies in the world but proper presentation is the key to success. tightlines
  13. J

    new year greetings

    Hi, Let me introduce myself. I am a fly fishing nut. I have been fly fishing since I was 10 some 50 years. I was taught by my Dad and cast my first fly in 1958 and I am still learning. I have been fortunate to fish in various places on the planet, Scotland, New Zealand, the NWT and so on but I...
  14. J

    steelhead fly line - Rio Switch vs Steelhead/Salmon line?

    I use the 8wt rio on my my 7 wt mystic switch and it works very well especially when swinging flies.
  15. J

    steelhead fly line - Rio Switch vs Steelhead/Salmon line?

    I use a Mystic 7wt switch rod with a Hardy LA reel and Rio switch line. It is a great nymphing system and I can make 60ft casts easily when swinging flies.