a few questions

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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2012
i have decided to abandon the two handed fly world until i get the single handed cast down to an art form--so i have a question

i am going to buy an 8 wt rod for the bigger fish and for swinging as i do feel its easier to mend with longer rod so its gonna be a 10 footer

ok here are my questions

1-with a longer rod is MF easier that F stiffness?
2-would MF be more forginving fora bigger fish?
3-i am going to use a switch line on a regualr 8 wt rod--what are the differences between this and WF line--i think switch will give me more disctance..

thanks in advance...
why not go for a switch rod, that way, you can easily go from single hand to 2 hand with the same rod, and be comfortable and confident in the equiptment
I swing for steelhead with single hand 6wt and 7wt rods, why do you want an 8wt? that might be a bit heavy..it's not the size of the fish.. it's the size of the tippet.. no point having an 8wt if your running 6lb tippet.. all that power in the 8wt and you cant use it in the fight anyway or you'll break fish off... Also if your goal is to just swing flies the 2 handed is much easier... the single hand is better for nymphing which you really dont need distance casting and a 7wt 10' works perfect for that. just my 2 cents. If you're having problems with the 2 hand cast I'm fishing today and tomorrow and maybe Wednesday. if you want to meet me on the river I'll give you a free lesson. PM me.. invites open to other guys to... bring your own rods
i am getting a 10 ft 8 because i want to use it to dabble with the chinook run and also some pike--also the rod i want in 10 ft only comes in 8 wt--not a big factor however the larger spectrum of fish i wish to tackle with the rod is what is pushing me to go larger also i will be using a 2x leader with a 3x tippet--not sure the LBS rating but thats what i got...i would love it if i could come out and take you up on that very gracious offer, i have to work all week..i am off friday--but the rest of the world is as well...but again thank you so much for the offer i am dying that i cannot take you up on it
the 2x will be for the steel--i will be using 1 or 0x for the bigger fish and even some mono "monster" leader with bite proof..
Distance is accomplished by proper casting technique, I suggest you contact your local fly shop and test some rods,maybe take some casting instruction. Tell them what you want to fish for. They will guide you in the right direction.

agree--i also believe for a beginner rod power might be a factor--anyway i love loop rods and i think graham is right only cclause is i am upping the wt to 8 for pike and maybe a muskey--i know i will have to use rope for tippet but hey thats life---i will get a actual spey rod one day when i get good enough with the single handers.
the rod i had with me at the credit is an 8wt, love it, can't wait to play with some salmon with it, i have a 6wt as well, both are 9ft. and im in the process of buying a 7wt switch or spey
Rob that is an awesome resource, I'll be keeping that around for when I get down to trying to hit some bass on the fly. Thanks for sharing man!
Really depends on your level of expertise... I fish an 11' (but 6wt). Usually fishing a 4x tippet...mind you, frequently check knots and tippet condition. On our last outing I was getting much better performance from Rio 4x than what I had been otherwise using.
thanks again for the replies---this weekend I am going after suckers with the godson --gonne whip out the 6 wt as I need to test out the new rig---PPPUUUMMMPPPED