Wow a fish on every drift. I would make bets u don't
I am fortunate to know pools for brook trout, brown trout, steelhead and salmon that are full of fish because these pools are rarely fished. Dropping the right bait in these pools indeed produces a fish on every drift, or close to.
Never said I could do so under any conditions - that would be physically impossible.
I also know spots for bass where there are so many bass, quite often every cast produces a fish.
You can't have "fish after fish" fishing everywhere, all of the time. Find enough honey holes, though, and you can enjoy constant action too when you fish them.
Common sense is not always as common as one would like .
I've seen videos posted on Ontario fish forums of guys catching walleye on every cast - and walleye are notoriously elusive. Doing so in relatively small pools of hungry trout is not hard, it's mostly finding these pools that presents a challenge and then having your basics down pat (proper drag, strong knot, proper hook size, good line, realistic presentation, timing hook set correctly, etc). Fresh run aggressive salmon too will strike on almost every drift!