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With all do respect the regulation does not specifically address that issue and as a result your comment is just your opinion and I guess also has no bearing on this conversation.....

Lets try to keep it mature and keep the personal attacks to a minimum.
Where was I stating an opinion? LuLz
And where was the personal attack? :?:

The only one who seems to make this personal, is yourself.. It seems that you like to direct others to only view your opinion as "gospel". What you need to understand is that Anglers who pay for a license and fish legally, are well within their rights to keep fish, as long as tthey are not breaking the rules set out by the MNR.
-To say that you must eat the fish you catch out of Lake O, is absurd.

FYI- The regs do not address the issue, because there is nothing illegal about it.
-Thank you.
Does this comment seem odd to anyone else? lol
I don't think that's absurd at all, they are literally poisonous. It's your choice to eat them if you want. Most of us choose not too, what's your preference is your preference. Either way most fishermen are too stubborn to see another anglers point or take into consideration there advice. So how about we leave it at that. We're all aloud to take our limits, and what YOU do with your fish is your choice, some people abuse that privilege, others think it's okay to take the fish home and not consume them, others think they are perfectly safe to eat. So either way, someone is going to be wrong in someone's eyes. Just remember anytime someone is doing something you don't agree with, or vise versa, that you're you and will do what you want!
Hey FrankTheRabbit you mentioned that if you have one tiny egg or a bag full it counts as one towards your posession limit, now i'm not trying to be devils advocate but what would happen if I bought my roe at the tackle shop, I have a small jar of it, two salmon on a stringer and a conservation license? it's an honest question and i would like to be prepared should the scenario ever come up.

COs can't tell whether roe you have on you is from a tackle shop or if it was harvested. You can buy as much store bought roe as you want and you can keep the receipt as proof of purchase. From what I read, COs wouldn't be targeting with what you have on you (aside from having fish on a stringer), but what you would take from the rivers. I don't know how they can tell, but I wouldn't want to find out. It definitely is a grey area as well.

Have a glance at this link:

A lot of questions are asked and answered by the CO.
i agree with float down, i dont want to say to much i might hurt someones feelings lol but lets all go fishing and have fun is that not what it is all about ? "a bad day fishing is better than agood day at work" good luck and tightlines.
i dont see any problem in taking hens from lake O either for eggs.... the fish populations in the lake are stable due to an abundance of alewife. in lake huron and georgian bay fish stocks are down....WAY DOWN ( salmon) due to a lack of forage caused by these quoaga mussels. that being said nothing puts me off fishing more than seeing slit open carcasses lining my favorite river banks...and i am a hardcore steelheader. We are not the only ones enjoying the resource and i am sure canoeists, dog walkers, and other naturalist do not appreciate it. Feed your gardens or feed the bears but make sure you LEAVE NO TRACE. oh yeah and government roe sucks and i'd rather not fish roe than use it.
Unfortunately you cant tell an angler its ok to harvest a fish in lake ontario for its eggs but Huron is off limits because the population isnt as healthy. Their limit is their limit. Feeding the garden is a waste as we have fertilizers for that, and if we are too cheap to buy fertilizer than we should just do our own composting. Feeding bears isnt exactly a practical solution around here either...The best use of the fish is for it to die naturally after spawning and have its carcass feed the river.

Slitting a salmon just for its eggs is a clear violation of the fishing regulations, as for using the fish for fertilizer that is a grey area and I dont have a real answer for that issue. I find it amusing that so many anglers who consider themselves conservationists have no problem slitting a salmon open for its eggs. There are ways that anglers can get roe that isnt wasteful such as supporting local stores that sell roe from fish farms. It may be more expensive but really if an angler cant afford it they have three options:

1. Fish the pier and land a hen that is still silver and take it home for the roe and eat it as well. It is still a gross 5yr old fish but at least it hasnt started decaying yet.
2. Fish the rivers and keep/eat a gross decaying hen and keep the eggs
3. Use artificial baits

Those who slit open a salmon and leave it on the side of the river are poachers and are no better than the snaggers. The fish arent suitable for consumption so they should just be returned to the river to spawn.

I dont mean to come at your comment georgianbaydrifter its just I dont like seeing posts on public forums that encourage people to harvest salmon for their eggs because the population is stable. Hundreds of visitors view these threads and a suggestion like that can create the wrong mindset in alot of anglers, which is very evident when you walk a creek like Bronte. I'm sure you are a very skilled angler (probably much more skilled than me) and a conservationist, I just think we need to evolve from the days of harvesting salmon purely for their roe as it is a very wasteful act.
last week i found 5 dead hen with eggs. the fish died from natural cause's (stress, no energy) and yes i did cut open the dead decaying fish to get the eggs, that were still very fresh... maybe not 100%, but good enough for me... and the fish i catch... after doing so, i knew i couldnt really fish anymore, knowing i have had my limit of harvested "fish" ... and i dont feel so bad about taking the egg's.. yes im sure the seagulls would like to have them. but i wanted them too.... and i hate to see anything go to waste...

i dont think i have ever got a salmon for roe that wasent already dead, or very close..... (i mean real close, where they dont even swim anymore and have holes in there sides)
so if you really need roe! step on a dead hen. i bet you will find roe!
last week i found 5 dead hen with eggs. the fish died from natural cause's (stress, no energy) and yes i did cut open the dead decaying fish to get the eggs, that were still very fresh... maybe not 100%, but good enough for me... and the fish i catch... after doing so, i knew i couldnt really fish anymore, knowing i have had my limit of harvested "fish" ... and i dont feel so bad about taking the egg's.. yes im sure the seagulls would like to have them. but i wanted them too.... and i hate to see anything go to waste...

i dont think i have ever got a salmon for roe that wasent already dead, or very close..... (i mean real close, where they dont even swim anymore and have holes in there sides)
so if you really need roe! step on a dead hen. i bet you will find roe!

Ya that seems like a good way to go about it, that takes the situation from being wasteful to maximizing the use of the resource.
Chinook salmon are a nuisance fish and their introduction to Lake O was most likely the largest contributer to the demise of Atlantic Salmon. Having said this i no way do i condone the excessive taking of hens for their eggs and anyone here who fishes wilmot creek knows what i'm talking about dead hens lying slit open on the banks w/ skeins still in them b/c some knucklehead didnt like the look of the roe, ppl ripping redds for hens so they can throw litres of eggs per day chumming rainbows. one of my favorite parts of trout and salmon fishing is coming home to orillia after a 36 hour run down the 401 in early sept and scrapping skein into the curing bucket. my roe harvesting schedule breaks down somewhat like this 3 fish from port hope/newcastle in early season 1 for skeins 2 for scrape. mid season 3 fish from GB) late season back to lake O looking for hen if needed to get through to march. at no time will i have eggs from more than five fish in my possesion and will always have a good variety of bait and not be forced to use generic stuff the fish see attatched to every treb and seywash in ontario. One afternoon when fishing the slaughter pool this fall the fishing was so good my buddies and i made a pact land a hen pick up 10 peices of garbage... by the time the United Salmon and Steelhead Rapists showed up we had two contractor bags filled with power pro and chip bags with funny writing on them and had caught and released over a dozen big hens into the log jam above it. as of right now i have eggs from 4 fish in my possesion 1 wilmot salmon, 2 coldwater salmon, and one brown from creek x. I like catch fish thats why i cure my own bait.
Chinook salmon are a nuisance fish and their introduction to Lake O was most likely the largest contributer to the demise of Atlantic Salmon. Having said this i no way do i condone the excessive taking of hens for their eggs and anyone here who fishes wilmot creek knows what i'm talking about dead hens lying slit open on the banks w/ skeins still in them b/c some knucklehead didnt like the look of the roe, ppl ripping redds for hens so they can throw litres of eggs per day chumming rainbows. one of my favorite parts of trout and salmon fishing is coming home to orillia after a 36 hour run down the 401 in early sept and scrapping skein into the curing bucket. my roe harvesting schedule breaks down somewhat like this 3 fish from port hope/newcastle in early season 1 for skeins 2 for scrape. mid season 3 fish from coldwater ( best roe in ontario easy to pass off as lake O rainbow) late season back to wilmot looking for hen if needed to get through to march. at no time will i have eggs from more than five fish in my possesion and will always have a good variety of bait and not be forced to use generic stuff the fish see attatched to every treb and seywash in ontario. One afternoon when fishing the slaughter pool this fall the fishing was so good my buddies and i made a pact land a hen pick up 10 peices of garbage... by the time the United Salmon and Steelhead Rapists showed up we had two contractor bags filled with power pro and chip bags with funny writing on them and had caught and released over a dozen big hens into the log jam above it. as of right now i have eggs from 4 fish in my possesion 1 wilmot salmon, 2 coldwater salmon, and one brown from creek x. I like catch fish thats why i cure my own bait.

Nicely said (No matter what "others opinions are")
I try to pick up garbage as well.

There are many DEBATES/OPINIONS on the whole SALMON FISHERY.
And coming from Logical, Educated people (experienced fishermen) ... a PLEASURE to hear & read their views.

I personally use NATURAL ROE (My own catches) and at this time, DO NOT have any issues with that use.
I do like to say that there are MANY ALTERNATIVES available that DO WORK EXTREMELY WELL.


Fishing encompasses many approaches and when taken with a CENTRE VIEW (Not "Right Wing"- NOT "Left Wing") of Conservation, Enjoyment, Sustainability, Common Sense, Sportmanship ... Education

is a blessing for all of us to enjoy!
May we all continue to do our best.
I think what is potentionally more damaging to trout and salmon populations is the way i see many anglers handling the smolts and parr these little guys ARE the future of the fishery they have hatched and are doing well b/c of their genetics, and too see ppl ripping them off their hooks is a shame they should have a handle with care fragile stamp on them!......take care when working pools with young fish or just move on.
I like to use skittle bags instead of roe..much more ethical..and i chum with M&M's..the salmon seem to really like them..
I like to use skittle bags instead of roe..much more ethical..and i chum with M&M's..the salmon seem to really like them..
for some strange reason i think the chumming thing may work...
orange and yellow m&m's would work the best...
i some times use old ear plugs... i have only got a few with them...