Ontario Fishing Forums

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for some strange reason i think the chumming thing may work...
orange and yellow m&m's would work the best...
i some times use old ear plugs... i have only got a few with them...

For the shake of humanity..i hope that was sarcasm..i'm done..
Hahahah well i that's just darn funny! I remember fishing stocked ponds when i was younger and throwing dirt in to get the bows around. Worked. And in a undisclosed spot on GB.
would this spot have wild dogs eating you fish if left unattended on the ice??? just a hunch
to the person who said chinook led to the demise of atlantic salmon is wrong, atlantic salmon died off in the late 1800's chinook weren't introduced until early 1900's . a fellow on the river was new to river fishing and battled a salmon for far to long and when he went to release it it was belly up, he asked me if i wanted it so i said sure what the hell. so i opened it up and the meat was literally a brownish white (this fish was bright in color to!) i would not feed this fish to my dog! literally was mushy and no orange what so ever! i dont agree with throwing fish away but this fish was infact garbage, i salvaged the roe and gave the rest to my friend who wanted it as bear bait. cant believe people eat these fish!