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Shawarma said:
First of the day.. first ever:


and the second:
Handsome bucks shaw, not you but I guess you're good looking too

...no homo
Today managed to land a monster with the help of another good Samaritan. Hooked up about 7 and ******* the suckers came out in full force!
nice fish Shawarma! grats on scratching steel off the list

forgot my damn phone today so no pics but i went 4/7 today. better then yesterday

and on a positive note. went to the flats just north of where i was fishing and must have seen about 100 fish all bedding.
good sign! and i yelled at some kid who was fishing them in the spawning grounds lol, i felt bad after cuz he got scared.. its a legal open area and all but
i told him, if he wants good fishing to stay here, we all gotta respect them while they do their thing.

anyways awesome catches bros
Nice looking fish guys!

As for myself (first time out with a centerpin) and only havinga few hours today; I hooked up 3 logs on 4 consecutive casts, dozens of birds nests, frustrated beyond belief. Ready to sell my new gear....... until i got a bite and was fighting what I would say was a 20lb steelhead (ok more like a 5lbs one) must have been the adrenaline pumping thru me
Although i lost the fish, the excitement and adrenaline has got me hooked! No pun intended. ... cant wait to get out again
They'll be healing in the lake, when there's nothing rubbing on them. Look at the fish in the grocery stores, their fins and tails are usually frayed because they are raised in tight quarters and rub up against each other. When they get back to open water, it will all grow back.
Yeah the ones in the river that have beat up tails are usually from rocks and rubbings etc - most you'll see that have fin damage will have some rough bellies too.
the reason why you're seeing so many beat up fish is because they are on the gravel and spawning, do not fish the flats!, im also disappointed to see the number of fish being held by the gills