2014 Opener! Lets See What You Got!

Ontario Fishing Forums

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leave the spawning ones a lone guys let them have fun do u like to get buged when u r having fun with u all the way kit on this one?
hey bud i could care less if u take a fish to eat i am just saying i think its wrong to fish the spawning one that all in my mind
Take it easy fellas. Not everyone is an steelhead god right from the start. Surely trying to educate nicely is better than the name calling....

Got my ass kicked all week long, one i managed to tame.

Sadly this thread is heading for the wrong direction. We all know there's a lot of wrong going on during opener. The pictures I have seen in this thread so far doesn't even come close to the worst I have seen in the trib I was fishing. Maybe some dudes need to polish their fish handling skills but what do I know...I'm not a certified expert on this stuff myself. I have learn from my mistakes. I have mishandled fish too...haven't you? Pics are good, some mishandling, address it the proper way. If you got called out for the mistake, don't be defensive it always hurts the first time....

Stuff I had observed:

2 Guys...taking home 4 trout....1 rod. Should've seen the **** they got from the rest of the anglers...

1 Dude taking a hero shot of the steelhead he "caught"....gilled the poor fish and held it vertically...but yeah he released it after about 3 minutes of showing it off and taking selfies with it.

1 Dude cutting a kids line because it tangled with his....

But what else is new? I always find a stream I can fish myself...if someones wets a line beside...why not? If it gets crowded time to move.

Until I can provide a deed to a certain pool...

This forum is becoming a sh!t show with all the trolls !!!! Think I'm putting it on the back burner for a while ..... Later
ya tell me about it all my fish all big i would get them on and then they would screm down river snap nice fish FF
Stuff I had observed on opener:

1 guy + his friends fishing the shallow beds lining spawning fish. Dude, had his polarized sunglasses on with a hat cam. He would muscle his fish in, his buddies would net the fish and then take pics. You could hear them brag about how the hen was loose and eggs were spilling everywhere.

Fast forward to today, I go on a FB fishing group and I see his mug bragging about how he landed over 40 steelheads.

This dude is acting like a pro online with all his pics but for real most of his fish caught were lined or snagged.

Stuff I had observed on opener:

1 guy + his friends fishing the shallow beds lining spawning fish. Dude, had his polarized sunglasses on with a hat cam. He would muscle his fish in, his buddies would net the fish and then take pics. You could hear them brag about how the hen was loose and eggs were spilling everywhere.

Fast forward to today, I go on a FB fishing group and I see his mug bragging about how he landed over 40 steelheads.

This dude is acting like a pro online with all his pics but for real most of his fish caught were lined or snagged.

Go and call him out then, next time take pics of him doing it and post it.
I wanted to stand right beside him and film everything but my buddy told me to leave it alone.

The next time I see him, I'll make sure to capture everything on film and report it to MNR.
I would do that pump. Avoid the tension and let the MNR deal with him. Fortunately, this usually only lasts for a few days. but then again, because of this rain, they might come back for a few more "hero shots".